This Baked Beans Sundae Recipe Receives A Thumbs Down From Foodies
This Baked Beans Sundae Recipe Receives A Thumbs Down From Foodies
A Singaporean influencer has introduced the unexpected pairing of baked beans and a classic vanilla ice cream sundae.

In the vast and ever-expanding world of online content, where food vloggers constantly push the boundaries of culinary creativity, one particular recipe has recently sparked a wave of horror and disgust. Calvin Lee, better known as foodmakescalhappy on Instagram, has once again raised eyebrows with this latest creation, the baked beans sundae. Following his unconventional recipes such as cheese-infused Coke and Ferrero Rocher pasta, the Singaporean influencer has now ventured into the realm of bizarre flavour combinations by introducing a blend of baked beans and an ice cream sundae.

In a viral video, Calvin Lee takes a can of fresh baked beans and pours its contents into a cup filled with a classic vanilla ice cream sundae. The juxtaposition of the savoury and sweet elements is enough to make onlookers cringe in anticipation. Undeterred by the skepticism surrounding his creation, Lee proceeds to vigorously mix the unlikely combination and then, with apparent satisfaction, indulges in this peculiar dessert-breakfast fusion.

Take a look at the video here:

A post shared by Calvin Lee | Singapore Foodie (@foodmakescalhappy)

As soon as the video surfaced on the internet, this unexpected fusion elicited a visceral reaction from viewers. Social media users flooded the comment section expressing everything from shock and disgust to curiosity. Some viewers are left questioning the limits of culinary experimentation, while others simply cannot understand the taste of such an unusual combination.

Reacting to the post, a user wrote, “That genuinely is starting to look good and I’m beginning to question if I’m pregnant.” Another commented, “I hate baked beans with a passion. This just made me puke.”

“I’m more surprised at how you managed to order the sundae with the fudge separated,” an Instagram user mentioned.

An internet user commented, “Sir, I just need to let you know that you’re running an online concentration camp here.”

The video was shared a few weeks ago on Instagram. Since its posting, it has amassed over one million views with numerous comments.

Love it or hate it, there’s no denying that Calvin Lee continues to make waves in the culinary world with his unorthodox approach to food, leaving us wondering what unexpected combination he will introduce next. He remains unfazed and even encourages his audience to give this unconventional pairing a try. The level of audacity displayed in combining such disparate flavours is a testament to Lee’s willingness to push culinary boundaries and challenge societal norms surrounding food.

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