Ice Helmets To Body Fans, AI Artist Imagines Unique Ways To Beat The Heat
Ice Helmets To Body Fans, AI Artist Imagines Unique Ways To Beat The Heat
Many people joked that the AI-made images could give ''potential outfit ideas to social media star Uorfi Javed''.

The temperatures are steadily climbing as we move into the summer months. The whole country is grappling with oppressive heat and taking refuge in ACs and coolers. Recently, an AI artist imagined some alternative ways that can help people beat the heat. The set of photos, titled “Summer in a parallel universe”, shows people wearing helmet-like figures made of ice, people using scooters and sofas made of ice, and commoners attaching ACs and fans to their bodies as they carry portable cooling devices with themselves at work. One image shows a truck carrying a massive AC unit that is triple the size of the truck itself. The last image of the series shows a surreal scene in which a woman carries a large fan that is fitted with a row of fans across its circumference.

While these pictures depict impractical scenarios, however, the realistic setting of photos almost makes them look as if they were street photographs. AI artist Sahid SK used Midjourney, a generative artificial intelligence program that creates images based on text prompts, to make these images. His “Summer in a parallel universe…” series has over two lakh likes, since it was posted on April 1. Commenting on this post, an Instagram user joked, “Your giving ideas to Urfi Javed”, referring to social media star Uorfi Javed who is known for her creative and over-the-top outfits. Another person wrote, “Your imagination is awesome!”

While sharing these images, Sahid SK left a disclaimer in the captions that read, “The following images are created through artificial intelligence for experimental and entertainment purposes. We wish to emphasize that these images are entirely fictional, and no intention exists to defame, harm, or malign any public figure or belief.”

This is not the first time that an AI artist has imagined how people can cope with weather and climate change. Back in June 2023, as monsoon hit many Indian states, screenwriter and digital creator Prateek Arora used Midjourney to create a set of photos that showed people using submarine-style vehicles on partially flooded Indian streets.

These futuristic-looking vehicles appeared as though they were made especially for waterlogged streets. Aurora titled these images “Amphibious Autorickshaws”. Commenting on it, an Instagram user wrote, “This makes me think of a super cool sci-fi story where sea levels rise so much because of climate change that Mumbai turns into a dystopian Indian Venice.” Another person wrote, “Bro you have gotta make a movie like the 5th element man, full-blown budget from Netflix or some big US film house , all these concepts are so good.”

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