Not Happy Coming Out Of Your Comfort Zone? Here Are Ways You Can Embrace The Path Of Discomfort
Not Happy Coming Out Of Your Comfort Zone? Here Are Ways You Can Embrace The Path Of Discomfort
It is important to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. This article talks about the ways one can embrace discomfort.

Success begins when you come out of your comfort zone. It is important to come out of your comfort zone, to grow and prosper in life. To move ahead in life, one has to challenge themselves, otherwise one becomes stagnant and complacent. Accepting discomfort can seem daunting in the beginning. However, it can bring long-lasting benefits. Mental health expert Dr. Susanne Wolf talks about the benefits of embracing discomfort.

In her Instagram post, she talks about what happens when you embrace discomfort. “Opening Spaces for embracing discomfort. Here are some thoughts and perspectives on embracing discomfort. By avoiding uncomfortable feelings, situations and parts of ourselves, we may gain short-term relief or superficial, short-term benefits,” she said.

We are often afraid of discomfort for fear of breaking apart, but in reality, it is often the very place where we grow and find ourselves, she further said.

The mental health expert also talked about how we should talk to ourselves, while we are struggling after coming out of our comfort zone.

Things to say instead of “ I am out” or I can’t do this”

  • This is hard
  • This feels scary
  • This is unfamiliar
  • This feels uncomfortable
  • I am embracing discomfort
  • I am exploring new territory

She further talked about what embracing discomfort can lead to:-

  • Personal growthEmbracing discomfort can lead to personal growth as we learn to challenge ourselves and discover our capabilities along the way.
  • AuthenticityLeaving your comfort zone can involve knowing yourselves in a better way.
  • StrengthOne can challenge their abilities by leaving their comfort zone, which helps one to know about their strengths and weaknesses
  • Making peaceThe process of leaving our comfort zones can be daunting and exhilarating, it teaches us to accept life as it is. Hence it helps us to make peace with our past.
  • ToleranceLeaving our comfort zones can help us in increasing our tolerance levels as we encounter many challenges on the path.
  • True connectionOn this journey of embracing discomfort, one can come across many people with whom we can connect to people who are on a similar journey.

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