Why women dread being in 30s | In Pics: 30+ still rocking
Why women dread being in 30s | In Pics: 30+ still rocking
30s is the time when most women start feeling stressed.

With the biological clock ticking away and the first signs of wrinkles showing up (or becoming more prominent than ever), I’m-Thirty-Now Syndrome can add an extra worry line to a woman’s face.

Single women start questioning their looks, married women start doubting their decisions and in this age of demanding lifestyles, chances are that most women start waking up feeling stressed.

According to a study by Top Sante magazine, 30s are the most dreadful 10 years of a woman’s life. Why? This is the decade where responsibilities of motherhood, career and home are at their peak.

The study revealed that the “pressure is taking such a toll on the fairer sex, that most women believe this is their ‘hardest decade’."

30s is the time when most women start feeling stressed, missing meals and losing sleep. About 85 per cent of those polled in the survey said that they frequently feel exhausted and tired.

The survey’s chief researcher Marina Cook was quoted as saying, "When 30-something women say they are 'tired and stressed out of their minds', they probably are." She added, "Tiredness and stress are the ailments of our age and combined with a poor diet they cause low immunity and ill health."

Another pertinent revelation of the survey was that constant feeling of tiredness doesn’t let up when women reach their 40s, especially for those who have delayed motherhood.

But, do all women suffer their 30s?

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