PPSC Recruitment 2018 application process to fill 47 vacancies for various posts has begun on the official website of Punjab Public Service Commission, Punjab -ppsc.gov.in.
One candidate shall fill only one Online Application Form. Interested and eligible candidates must apply for the relevant post on or before 6th July 2018 by following the instructions given below:
How to apply for PPSC Recruitment 2018?
Step 1 – Visit the official website - http://www.ppsc.gov.in
Step 2 – Click on ‘Advertisement’ under ‘Online Registration’ on the right side of home page
Step 3 – Click on ‘Apply/View’
Step 4 – Click on 'Apply Online’ for respective jobs
Step 5 – Fill the form and submit
Step 6 – Login with required credentials
Step 7 – Fill the application form with required information, make online payment and complete the application process
Step 8 – Download the confirmation page and take a print out for future reference
Direct Link - http://www.ppsc.gov.in/APPSCISR/Registration/registration.aspx?advno=201829&postid=231
Application Fee:
SC/ ST/ Backward Classes of Punjab State only - Rs.1125
Ex.SM - Rs.500
Unreserved Category - Rs.3000
Physically Handicapped, Punjab State only - Rs.1750
PPSC Recruitment 2018 - Vacancy Details:
Total Posts: 47
Assistant Agriculture Engineer Grade - 2 -17
Assistant Director Industrial Training - 3
Drugs Control Officer - 12
Senior Scientific Officer (Drugs) - 1
Senior Scientific Officer (Food Safety) - 1
Analyst (Drugs) - 4
Analyst (Food Safety) - 9
Eligibility Criteria:
Assistant Agriculture Engineer Grade - 2 - The applicant must possess degree in Agriculture Engineering.
Assistant Director, Industry Training/ Principal Junior Scale Industry Training Institution/ Manager Government Work Centre - The applicant must possess Degree in Engineering/ Technology in any disciple or its equivalent from a recognized University or Institution.
Drugs Control Officer - The applicant must possess qualifications as per rule 49 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Senior Scientific Officer (Drugs) - The applicant must possess qualifications as per rule 44 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945.
Senior Scientific Officer (Food Safety) - The applicant must possess Master's degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Dairy Chemistry or Page 4 of 4 Food Technology, Food and Nutrition.
Analyst (Drugs) - The applicant must possess Postgraduate degree in Medicine or Science or Pharmacy or Pharmaceutical Chemistry from a recognized university or institution.
Analyst (Food Safety) - The applicant must possess Master's Degree in Chemistry or Biochemistry or Microbiology or Diary Chemistry or Food Technology or Food and Nutrition.
Applicants are advised to visit the official website and download advertisement to ascertain their eligibility:
Age Limit:
The age of the applicant must fall in the bracket of 18 to 37 years as on 1st January 2018.
Pay Scale:
Assistant Agriculture Engineer Grade - 2 - Rs.10,300 - Rs.34,800 with Grade pay of Rs.5000.
Assistant Director Industrial Training - Rs.15,600 - Rs.39,100 with Grade pay of Rs.5400
Drugs Control Officer - Rs.10,300 - Rs.34,800 with Grade pay of Rs.4200
Senior Scientific Officer (Drugs) - Rs.15,600 - Rs.39,100 with Grade pay of Rs.6600
Senior Scientific Officer (Food Safety) - Rs.15,600 - Rs.39,100 with Grade pay of Rs.6600
Analyst (Drugs) - Rs.10,300 - Rs.34,800 with Grade pay of Rs.4200
Analyst (Food Safety) - Rs.10,300 - Rs.34,800 with Grade pay of Rs.4200
Selection Process:
The selection of the candidates will be done on the basis of Common Competitive Examinations.
Important Dates:
Last date for filling Online Application Form - 6th July 2018
Last date for depositing Online Application Fee - 13th July 2018
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