PM Modi Calls Meeting to Review Indus Water Treaty With Pakistan
PM Modi Calls Meeting to Review Indus Water Treaty With Pakistan
Even though the meet on the Indus Water Treaty is considered as a diplomatic warning but it is unlikely that the government will abrogate the water treaty.

New Delhi: Amidst growing tension between India and Pakistan post the Uri Terror Attack, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has decided to send a strong warning to the neighboring country by calling for a meeting to review the 56-year-old Indus Water treaty.

PM Modi's meeting to be held on Monday will focus on the various aspects of the water sharing agreement which has always been considered detrimental to India's interests and largely lopsided in Pakistan's favour.

The meeting will be attended by top officials of the Water resources ministry and the Ministry of External Affairs who will also brief the PM.

Under the agreement India has full rights over Sutlej, Beas and Ravi, while Pakistan receives water from Jhelum, Chenab and Indus.

Experts feel the the threat of turning off the tap will force Pakistan to crackdown on terror.

Even though the meet on the Indus Water Treaty is considered as a diplomatic warning it is unlikely that the government will abrogate the water treaty.

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