Indian Idol: It's Darjeeling's darling vs Meghalaya's Pin-Up boy!
Indian Idol: It's Darjeeling's darling vs Meghalaya's Pin-Up boy!
Everyone is waiting to find out who will be the next Indian Idol.

Guwahati (Assam): As the nation sings and swings with him, Amit Paul knows he is the king.

Not only has he got a huge fan following rooting for his selection as the next Indian Idol, but in Shillong — in his Khasi warrior outfit — unknowingly he is doing the impossible, bridging the divide between the Khasi, Jaintia and Garo tribes of Meghalaya with that of the non-tribals.

Little wonder then that Meghalaya wants Northeast's new pin-up boy to be their brand ambassador.

Amit's journey began in a local band called Yuva in Shillong in 1992 and in 15 years, the boy from the hills has certainly moved mountains with his voice, making it to Indian Idol's final round.

Meanwhile, the residents of Darjeeling are cheering for their favourite finalist, Prashant Tamang.

The constable with the Kolkata Police enjoys a huge fan base in his hometown and they are willing shell out thousands through SMS to see him as the next Indian Idol.

People say they are sending up to 2,000 messages a day to make Prashant win.

Prashant is everywhere in Darjeeling, from streets to walls. Darjeeling's housewives have even come out with collection boxes to raise money to send SMSes for him.

But to find out who will be the next Indian Idol — Darjeeling's Darling or Meghalaya's Pin-Up Boy — one will simply have to wait till September 23 for the grand finale.

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