US Secy of State Mike Pompeo Discusses Indo-Pak Situation With British NSA Mark Sedwill
US Secy of State Mike Pompeo Discusses Indo-Pak Situation With British NSA Mark Sedwill
According to the United States state department, the talk was reflective of the fact that the US continues to engage its resources to reduce the tensions between the two nuclear countries.

Washington: US secretary of state Mike Pompeo discussed with British NSA Mark Sedwill the current situation between India and Pakistan and the efforts to reduce tensions between the two South Asian neighbours, the state department has said.

Pompeo and Sedwill reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening the US-UK special relationship and cooperation in the face of major global challenges, state department deputy spokesperson Robert Palladino said on Friday.

According to the state department, the talk was reflective of the fact that the United States continues to engage its resources to reduce the tensions between the two nuclear countries.

"Secretary of state Michael R Pompeo met with UK national security advisor Mark Sedwill today to discuss key global priorities, including support for reducing tension between India and Pakistan, securing progress in Syria, and countering Iran's malign influence,"

Palladino said in a statement.

Tensions between India and Pakistan escalated after a suicide bomber of Pakistan-based terror group Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) killed 40 CRPF personnel in Jammu & Kashmir's Pulwama district in February 14.

India launched a counter-terror operation in Balakot. The next day, Pakistan Air Force retaliated and downed a MiG-21 in an aerial combat and captured its pilot, who was handed over to India on March 1.

The US, the UK and France, the three permanent veto-wielding members of the 15-nation United Nations Security Council, last month moved a fresh proposal in the UNSC to designate JeM's chief Masood Azhar as a global terrorist.

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