Images: All that's on Mark Zuckerberg's desk at the Facebook headquarters
Images: All that's on Mark Zuckerberg's desk at the Facebook headquarters
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg doesn't have a cabin or cubicle to himself and works in an open office.

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took Facebook users on a live tour of the company's headquarters using the social networking service's new Mentions feature. The video shows Facebook's famed open floor plan where even the top executives don't have cabins or cubicles. Zuckerberg himself works from an open desk.

Zuckerberg's desk is laden with books with his MacBook at the centre. The desk has a painted pattern that spells "zuck-1".

The blue dinosaur that advises Facebook users on privacy also makes an appearance as a soft toy. The new Facebook logo is displayed prominently on the desk printed on wood.

There's a model of the satellite that Facebook is working on along with a model of the solar-powered Internet-beaming drone. There's also a couple of cans on it.

Behind Zuckerberg's desk is a spacious conference room in which he spends a lot of time time in.

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