Lokpal Bill: The voting procedure in Parliament
Lokpal Bill: The voting procedure in Parliament
A simple majority of MPs present is needed to pass the Bill.

New Delhi: The voting on the Lokpal Bill in the Lok Sabha will take place after the discussion. Speaker Meira Kumra will call upon voice vote and an electronic voting will only take place in case of an objection. A simple majority of MPs present is needed to pass the Bill.

If any amendment is proposed then the MP bringing it has to give notice on the amendment. The amendment can be moved by any member and if the Speaker accepts the notice, then a discussion followed by voting on it will take place.

The amendment, if passed, becomes part of the Bill.

But if a new amendment is accepted by the Rajya Sabha then the Bill will have to go back to the Lok Sabha.

In case of a deadlock a joint session of Parliament will have to be called to pass the Lokpal Bill.

For granting Constitutional status to the Lokpal, two third majority of MPs present and voting is required.

Once the Bill is passed it will go to the President and become a law. But if the Constitutional status is not passed, the Bill will have only statutory status.

Likely scenarios:

Scenario 1: Possible

The Bill is passed in the Lok Sabha but defeated in the Rajya Sabha where the United Progressive Alliance does not have majority. If this happens then a special session of Parliament will have to be called ahead of Budget Session in 2012.

Scenario 2: Possible but not likely

The Bill is defeated in the Lok Sabha itself and falls 'ab initio'.

Scenario 3: Likely

The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the Left Front move amendments which are defeated in the Lok Sabha but passed in the Rajya Sabha. In such a scenario a special session has to be called in February 2012.

Scenario 4: Highly improbable

The Bill is withdrawn at initial stage because of constitutional problems.

Scenario 5: Possible, but not likely

The Bill is passed in both the Houses and becomes a law.

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