Delhi BJP launches digital 'raths' for campaigning
Delhi BJP launches digital 'raths' for campaigning
The saffron party plans to press into service 28 raths (chariots) and by the month end they want to increase the figure to 70.

New Delhi: Amidst a steady drizzle, Delhi BJP on Saturday launched digital 'raths' showing 3D images of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and playing his speech as part of the campaign for the upcoming assembly elections.

The saffron party plans to press into service 28 raths (chariots) and by the month end they want to increase the figure to 70. The LED panels of 3D raths are sensitive to moisture and rain.

"This time, BJP will get 70 seats and we are confident of our victory. These 3D raths built on mini-vans will visit different areas and colonies of Delhi and make citizens aware of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's thoughts and ideas about issues concerning Delhi," Delhi BJP President, Satish Upadhyay said.

The imported 3D technology will also give Modi's followers an opportunity to get a virtual picture clicked with him in the raths, said an official.

Modi's three-dimensional images will be shown standing on a small podium. In the speech that will last 15 minutes, Modi will be heard talking about issues concerning Delhi.

Meanwhile, Suresh Bharadwaj, a former BJP councillor who was present at the launch, clarified that he never intended to join AAP and never ever went to AAP members for a ticket.

Recently, there were reports about AAP giving him a ticket from Wazirpur to contest the upcoming elections. His son is the vice-president of Delhi BJP's Keshavpuram district and daughter-in-law is a councillor from Ashok Vihar.

Also, one of the oldest autowallah and staunchest supporters of AAP, Sanjay Chawla joined the BJP, saying AAP had forgotten its promises to auto drivers and betrayed their trust. He also handed over the details of several auto-rickshaw drivers saying they will all work to promote the saffron party.

To give a boost to party workers, Modi is scheduled to address a rally at Ramlila Maidan on January 10.

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