The evolution of Batman in cinema history from 1943 to 2012
The evolution of Batman in cinema history from 1943 to 2012
From Lewis Wilson to Christian Bale, we have had 8 different actors play the Caped Crusader.

Batman is quite possibly one of the most iconic comic book superheroes of all time and shares the same level of universal recognition as Superman or Spiderman. As has been seen on several instances in history, a good comic book is always turned into a motion picture franchise. Whether or not it is good, is a very different thing.In a span of close to 70 years, Batman has been created, recreated and recreated yet again on several occasions. And can you blame them, I mean it is Batman!From Lewis Wilson, who played Batman in the Columbia Pictures' fifteen-part serial, to Christian Bale in Christopher Nolan's magnum opus, 'The Dark Knight trilogy', we have had 8 different actors play the Caped Crusader. And the journey continues as Ben Affleck is to be the next Batman in 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' which is to be released in 2016. Each actor has brought something to the enigma that is the Caped Crusader and hopefully they will continue to do so till the end of time.


The Evolution of Batman in Cinema from Jacob T. Swinney on Vimeo.

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