What It Means to Say Pretty vs. Beautiful
"Pretty" is a casual way to compliment physical attractiveness. When someone calls you pretty, they’re typically referring to your appealing physical appearance. Pretty is used to describe something that’s delicate, charming, and eye-catching. It is often used to casually describe a person or thing that is attractive, whereas beautiful has a stronger, more serious connotation.
"Beautiful" is a stronger compliment that indicates deeper attraction. When someone calls you beautiful, they are typically describing the attraction that your inner qualities evoke, like your personality, intelligence, and kindness. The word beautiful also encompasses physical attraction, but the focus is more on your inner traits. Beautiful is typically a deeper, more heartfelt way to express attraction than pretty. In some contexts, beautiful reflects a sense of awe or admiration. Some people may call you beautiful without really meaning it because they want to court you.
When to Use Pretty vs. Beautiful
Use "pretty" when you want to casually compliment someone's looks. Whether you’re complimenting your friend’s outfit, a crush you’ve always been attracted to, or a stuffed animal, use the term pretty to keep things casual. For example, if you’re complimenting a friend or partner’s appearance, say something like “I love what you did with your look today. You look so pretty!” If you’re complimenting an object, say “Wow! That looks so pretty!”
Use "beautiful" to express deep admiration for someone or something. When you come across something or someone that catches your eye, not only because of physical attraction but because it evokes something within you, use the word beautiful. For example, if your partner looks good, has a strong aura of confidence, and has been making you laugh all day, say something like “Baby, you’re so beautiful.” Try to reserve beautiful for moments when you genuinely believe something is breathtakingly attractive. Dating and relationship coach Mark Rosenfeld says using beautiful as a compliment is a bit fantasized thanks to Disney.
How to Respond to Pretty vs. Beautiful
Say thank you and return the compliment if you think they’re attractive. When someone calls you pretty, respond by saying something like “Thank you, I really appreciate that! You just made my day.” If you think the person is also attractive and would like to express that to do, respond by saying something like “Well, I have to admit, you’re pretty cute too.” If the compliment makes you uncomfortable, briefly thank them before shifting topics. For example: Stranger: “Hey, I saw you from across the street and thought you were really pretty.” You: “Thanks so much! I appreciate it, but I have to get going.” When responding to a compliment over text, dating and relationship coach Julianne Cantarella says to remain polite and say thank you for the compliment. If it’s awkward, change the subject.
Express your appreciation and thank them for the compliment if it’s sincere. When someone calls you beautiful, they’re often expressing a deep admiration for you, so it’s best to express your appreciation and thank them for the compliment, but only if they’re being genuine, as some people only call others beautiful when they want a romantic or sexual relationship. If they are genuine, though, say something like “I’m flattered! Thank you so much. You’ve made me feel so special.” For example: Stranger: “I saw you on the train and I just wanted to say you look beautiful.” You: “Aww, thank you so much! That just made my day, oh my gosh. I appreciate you!”
What It Means When Someone Calls You Hot
"Hot" is a compliment that refers to sexual attractiveness. The term hot is typically used to refer to your physical appearance in a sexual manner, expressing that you’re worth lusting after. For example, if someone likes the way an outfit shapes your body because it accentuates your curves, they may say something like “Dang, you’re looking hot today!” Hot isn’t always used sexually, though. A friend may call you hot when they like your appearance and want to give you a confidence boost.
What It Means When Someone Calls You Gorgeous
"Gorgeous" is a compliment that praises someone's appearance. Similar to beautiful, when someone calls you gorgeous they are saying that you’re extremely pleasing to look at. Depending on the context, they may be expressing attraction or simply trying to praise your appearance. For example, if someone says you’re gorgeous and goes on to compliment the composition of your outfit, they’re probably just praising your appearance. If someone says “I saw you from across the bar and I just wanted to say you’re gorgeous,” there’s a strong chance they’re flirting.
What It Means When Someone Calls You Cute vs. Pretty & Beautiful
"Cute" is more of a sweet compliment than a declaration of attraction. Someone calling you cute is often more of a general compliment than a declaration of attraction, like with the words pretty and beautiful. When someone calls you cute, they may be expressing the fact that they like your personality. They may also be saying you’re endearing, that they think you’re attractive, or that you’re child-like. Observe the context of a situation to figure out why someone may have called you cute. If you have a really nice outfit on, they may be attracted to you. If you said something funny, they may just enjoy your personality.
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