Sixteen students fall ill after having mid-day meal
Sixteen students fall ill after having mid-day meal
About sixteen students fell sick after having a mid-day meal in a government basic school, in Saraikela-Kharswan district on Monday, official sources said.

About sixteen students fell sick after having a mid-day meal in a government basic school, in Saraikela-Kharswan district on Monday, official sources said.

Some of the students started vomiting and complained of stomach ache after eating the mid-day meal, which was being served from ISCON-run Central Kitchen here, said Deputy Development Officer of the district, Raymond Kerketta. Kerketta, who visited the primary health centre in Gamariah, said the students were immediately rushed to the primary health centre but were discharged after they were

provided the first-aid.

Following the incident, all the 93 students of the school were made to go through medical check up and found to be alright, he said.

One of the student spotted a lizard in his plate and complained to the headmaster, who had himself tasted the food before it was served among the students, Kerketta said.

Kerketta said a four-member team headed by Additional Collector, Sandip Doraiburu has been constituted to probe the incident while assuring that the action would be taken against the responsible persons.

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