Rain in Bangalore brings temperature down
Rain in Bangalore brings temperature down
Met department Director Puttanna says Bangalore is likely to receive more rainfall in the next 48 hours.

Bangalore: The IT city of India has once again become a natural air-conditioned city. A depression in the Bay of Bengal has brought respite from the scorching heat of May. It has started raining in Bangalore and the spirits are soaring. According to a long time resident a temperate sun, cloudy skies and light showers have turned Bangalore into an air-conditioned city it once was.

Another die hard Bangalorean Naina Cariappa said, "I am greatly relieved. The heat was unbearable. Old days are back."

Met department Director Puttanna says Bangalore is likely to receive rainfall in the next 48 hours. It will be light and intermittent, accompanied by strong winds, a fallout of the depression.

The day temperature in Bangalore had touched almost 38 degree during this summer causing a big worry among the Bangaloreans. The maximum temperature has now dropped down to 30 degree Celsius on Thursday.

Many other districts in Karnataka are likely to receive heavy rainfall over the next few days. "Hilly and north-interior Karnataka districts will be the worst hit and get heavy rainfall over the next few days," say Met department officials.

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