Proposed power cuts at small scale industries
Proposed power cuts at small scale industries
HYDERABAD: The proposed power cuts at small scale industries are against the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Policy 2010-15, A P K Reddy..

HYDERABAD: The proposed power cuts at small scale industries are against the Andhra Pradesh Industrial Policy 2010-15, A P K Reddy, president, Federation of Andhra Pradesh Small Industries Associations (FAPSIA) stated.Speaking to Express, Reddy said that according to the industrial policy, government assured uninterrupted power supply to industries in the state to boost industrial production, but it has been acting against its own industrial policy by allowing power utilities to impose power cuts. As the state government decided to impose power cuts from March 1, FAPSIA launched relay hunger strikes here on Thursday. Earlier, there was one-day power cut per a week to industries in the state, but the power utilities proposed to increase power cuts to three days a week, besides imposing four hour power cuts during peak hours every day. As that leads to 15 day power cut per month, FAPSIA took to streets.As FAPSIA threatened to lock out industries, the state government had held a meeting with them and after communicating with the power utilities, government agreed to decrease the power cuts to two days including the weekly off.

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