Maoists use villagers as shields
Maoists use villagers as shields
BHUBANESWAR: On the back-foot after Kishenjis death, Left Wing ultras are using human-shields in the bordering regions of Odish..

BHUBANESWAR: On the back-foot after Kishenji’s death, Left Wing ultras are using ‘human-shields’ in the bordering regions of Odisha and Andhra Pradesh where a joint team of Greyhound and Special Operation Group (SOG) is trying to regain control of areas lost to the rebels. Their propaganda hit by the advancement of the security forces, the Left ultras have been using villagers as shield from the security forces. Though the security forces launched a major operation in Narayanpatna and beyond last week and made significant progress, the CPI (Maoist) continued to hold meetings in bordering villages. The meetings have good attendance by villagers but on their retreat, the Red rebels have been taking away the locals as protection. “For every group of seven or eight ultra cadres, at least 30 to 40 villagers are being taken as human shields posing difficulty for the security forces to go after them,” said reliable sources. Though the Maoists have not ‘spared’ locals suspected to be police informers to send across a stern message, the use of human shield has been a rather new strategy. “We have specific information about their movements and meetings but we can not strike since civilian casualty can not be risked at any cost,” reliable sources said.Instead of engaging them in the villages, the security forces have proceeded towards Andhra border by regaining control up to Sudeshu, which till recently was under the Maoists. The joint team of Greyhound and SOG which was involved in heavy exchange of fire with the Maoists all through Sunday has reportedly acquired certain regions which were part of the liberated zone. In view of the recent successes against the Maoists, the last meeting of the unified command had adopted the strategy to push into newer territories, not only in Koraput but also in Sundargarh and Malkangiri districts where the ultras hold sway. Well-placed sources said that the team had penetrated into areas beyond Bandhugaon, Podapadar and Sudeshu into dense forests and inhospitable terrains close to AP which acted as hub for training for the rebels. “Such is the terrain that the forces have to walk at least three to four days one way,” the sources informed.  In the on-going operation, which is likely to continue for another couple of days, the security forces have not suffered any casualty yet nor have the Maoists. On Saturday, though, the Red rebels gunned down a contractor near Narayanpatna while police picked up 19 persons suspecting them to be Maoist supporters.  Recently, Union Home Minister P Chidambaram had advised the security forces to increase area domination to put a check  on civilian casualty caused by the Maoists.

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