Iraqi journo who threw shoe at Bush released from jail
Iraqi journo who threw shoe at Bush released from jail
Zaidi has accused Iraqi guards of beating and electrocuting him.

Baghdad: An Iraqi reporter who shot to worldwide fame when he hurled his shoe at then US President George W Bush was released from prison on Tuesday, accusing the Iraqi guards who seized him of beating and electrocuting him.

Muntazer al-Zaidi, whose outburst during a news conference last December chimed with the feelings of many Iraqis towards the former US leader, was met outside the jail by parliamentarians who support him, brother Uday al-Zaidi said.

Zaidi was sentenced to three years in jail for assaulting a head of state, but his sentence was later reduced to one year.

"Today I am free again but my home is still a prison," he told reporters shortly after his release, a swipe at the continued US military presence in Iraq six and half years after the invasion to oust Saddam Hussein.

Zaidi said he was tortured after he was arrested in a room not far from where the press conference was going on. He said guards beat him with cables, metal tubes and gave him electric shocks. His story was not possible to verify independently.

Al-Baghdadiya television showed footage of Zaidi arriving at its station surrounded by guards. He was wrapped in an Iraqi flag and wore black sunglasses. On arrival, the staff at his TV station slaughtered at least three sheep in his honour.

"The occupation invaded us under the pretext of liberation. It divided brothers, neighbours, it made our houses endless funeral tents and our streets cemeteries," he said, referring to the tit-for-tat sectarian slaughter unleashed by the invasion that has only subsided in the last two years.

He was slurring his speech because of a missing tooth, but otherwise seemed in good health. His brothers alleged that Zaidi was beaten by guards after his arrest.

Millions of people across the world saw online or TV footage of Zaidi throwing his shoe at Bush and calling him a "dog", both insults in the Middle East.

An Iraqi court ordered Zaidi's release on Monday because under Iraqi law all prisoners sentenced to one year without previous convictions and who show good behaviour get out after serving three quarters of the sentence.

Many Iraqis who backed the war to remove Saddam turned against the United States after his fall, angered by its actions such as the refusal to intervene to stop looting, the formal occupation of Iraq with a US viceroy, and the sexual humiliation of prisoners at Abu Ghraib.

"I felt humiliated to see my country burn and my people killed," Zaidi said, explaining his outburst.

Zaidi's protest caused huge embarrassment to Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, who tried to intercept one of the shoe as he stood beside Bush.

"Thanks be to God that Muntazer has seen the light of day," brother Uday said. "I wish Bush could see our happiness. When President Bush looks back and turns the pages of his life, he will see the shoe of Muntazer al Zaidi on every page."

Many viewers, including in the United States, applauded the journalist's bravery.

Venezuela's anti-American President Hugo Chavez called him courageous. A Libyan group headed by Muammar Gaddafi's daughter gave him an award. Fathers from other Arab nations have offered Muntazer their daughters as brides.

At Zaidi's house, his family and a crowd of supporters eagerly awaiting him cheered and ululated.

"I feel proud because Zaidi lives in my neighbourhood. I like telling people that," Arkan al-Fartousi, 25, carrying a jug of juice he was serving to thirsty supporters. "I'm so happy he's out from jail."

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