Investments in India by global pharma cos to continue: Vikas Dandekar
Investments in India by global pharma cos to continue: Vikas Dandekar
The significance of SC's denial of patent to Novartis for anti-cancer drug Glivec.

In a landmark verdict, the Supreme Court dismissed a plea by the Swiss pharmaceutical giant Novartis on Monday for a patent on its cancer drug Glivec, paving the way for more affordable life-saving cancer drugs. How does it affect the Indian pharmaceutical industry and the global biggies who are looking at India as a quick-growth market? Pharmaceutical industry expert Vikas Dandekar joined IBNLive readers for an interaction on the issue.

Q. Which are the Indian Pharma companies which will be now able to market the generic one of Glivec? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. I believe Ranbaxy, Cipla, Sun and Natco are in the market already.

Q. Novartis has taken a hit at the Stock Market today. Will this affect the FDI and FII which our UPA needs badly? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Don't think global companies will ignore the commercial attractiveness for Indian market.

Q. When will the Indian Pharma industry get it's own research products to alleviate human sufferings? Is there sufficient investments being made now? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Efforts are on for a very long time..Indian companies have made slow progress in researching new compounds but many new prospects are likely in the next few years.

Q. How does it affect the Indian pharmaceutical industry and the global biggies who are looking at India as a quick-growth market? Asked by: Deepak

A. Sec 3(d) is clearer patents will be filed cautiously by MNCs...

Q. For such an important case Six years of Litigation meant that many lives were lost in this period due to non affordability of the drug? Was there a possibility to reduce the litigation period? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. An important question....India has taken a long time to close this vital case...for Imatinib however there were generics available and Novartis has a patient access program.

Q. The significance of SC's denial of patent to Novartis for anti-cancer drug Glivec? Asked by: Priya

A. It holds Sec 3(d) that disallows certain incremental innovations and ever-greening of patents.

Q. Will this verdict deny the nation of advanced medical benefits by MNC pharmaceuticals delaying or denying sale of their research products? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Don't think global companies will take any extreme step by this ruling.

Q. In terms of population the two large markets are India and China. Does Novartis hold patent for Glivec in China? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Yes, Glivec has patents in China...40 countries in total.

Q. Do you think this judgement if fair and right Asked by: Deepak J Singh

A. Sorry sir, as media, I can't share personal views on a court verdict.

Q. What is the case all about? Asked by: Priya

A. Just replied.

Q. Why is Novartis enforcing its patent on Glivec in India and in other in developing countries? Asked by: laxman

A. Here is the link to the case

Q. What is Glivec? Asked by: leena

A. It is a drug used to treat a rare form of blood cancer...

Q. Do you think MNC will hesitate to bring the latest molecules to India? Asked by: Deepak J Singh

A. It depends...knowing the massive unmet medical need in India, I think MNCs will introduce drugs and make the pricing more relevant via tiered or differential pricing or good access programs.

Q. What would happen now? What will be the impact on Pharma industry esp foreign players who plan to invest in India? Asked by: Isha

A. Investments in the market will most likely investments in R and D has always been in question.

Q. Can they take India to WTO? Asked by: Tina

A. WTO allows flexibilities in framing local laws...It will be tough to go to WTO on this issue.

Q. Is it more about affordability and less about not meeting the efficacy criteria? Asked by: Tina

A. In fact - both....but the scope of Sec 3(d) was paramount.

Q. It's a very basic question but how can other developing countries such as china able to afford 2666 pm dollar, on this drug. Does this not affect their public health access? Asked by: Tina

A. China is in the middle of a massive healthcare reforms plan that aims to bring at least 90 percent population under insurance...In India, over 95 percent pays out-of-pocket.

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