Demarcation work to begin soon
Demarcation work to begin soon
The notification was issued on Thursday after Chief Minister Oommen Chandy had convened a high-level meeting on Wednesday to discuss the issue.

A day after the government issued a notification under Section 4 (1) of the Land Acquisition Act, officials of the NH wing of the State PWD informed that demarcation of the missing links would begin soon.

The notification was issued on Thursday after Chief Minister Oommen Chandy had convened a high-level meeting on Wednesday to discuss the issue. The District Collector has been appointed as the rehabilitation officer of the project.

The officials have been asked to complete the demarcation works within a month. Leena, Chief Engineer of the NH-widening works, told Express that the officials will receive complaints from the people. After settling the disputes, the NH wing will begin the land acquisition work.

Meanwhile, the National Highway Action Council is planning a major agitation on November 16, when the inauguration of the road work turns two years. “In November 2010, the then Chief Minister V S Achuthanandan had laid the foundation stone for the work with a promise that the work would be completed in two years.

But even after two years, the Government has not initiated acquisition of land,” said the action council members.

Around 775 residential buildings and 1,495 commercial buildings have to be shifted for the project. The Government has made an estimate of Rs 290 crore for this. In the ‘puramboke’ area, around 1,735 residential and commercial buildings have to be removed for NH-widening. A sum of around Rs 45 crore would have to be paid as compensation for this. While the land acquisition will cost around Rs 500 crore, the cost of construction of the road is Rs 160 crore.

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