Dalai Lama talks about the Tibetan uprising
Dalai Lama talks about the Tibetan uprising
He tells CNN-IBN's Anjali Rao how it all happened.

Dharamsala, India: Fifty years ago, Tibet launched its failed revolt against Chinese rule. One week later, in the dead of night, the Dalai Lama fled Lhasa. He tells CNN-IBN’s Anjali Rao how it all happened.

Anjali Rao You fled to India in the late 50s after relations with Beijing collapsed. What are your recollections of that time?

Dalai Lama: So then in 1959 March 10, 1959 that also was not just sudden it happened since the mid- 50s a lot of problems started and increased increased and spread out all over Tibet March 10, 1959 . So then from March 10, 1959 to March 17, I was in Lhasa a lot tension, a lot worry, a lot of fear. And anyway then 17th night I left Lhasa (missing something here) and that very night very very fearsome So I disguised as an ordinary soldier with one rifle.

Anjali Rao Really?

Dalai Lama: And some officials every night would visit this area suppose to check the guards at these gates. Some official had I disguised as a bodyguard of that official one rifle. So my glass (missing something) without my glasses I cannot see very clearly.

Anjali Rao Laughs.

Dalai Lama: Then through that way walk to certain place then cross the river and from the other side the horses everything ready there already there so the road along the river we go this way the other side of the river Chinese military (missing word) we can see there guarding there government. Some soldier go here and there I think hardly (missing something) two kilometers like that oh very very fearful

Anjali Rao You must have been terrified.

Dalai Lama: So we completely sort of tried to I mean no flash

Anjali Rao No flashlight.

Dalai Lama: Completely dark but then the horses sound of horses what called.

Anjali Rao Like walking, galloping.

Dalai Lama: Sort of trot tro tro like that to hear the other side if they open fire everybody goes like that. So that night really really dangerous.

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