Comrades begin their day on beach
Comrades begin their day on beach
KOZHIKODE: Many of the visiting delegates for the 20th CPM Party Congress preferred to begin the second day of the conference with..

KOZHIKODE: Many of the visiting delegates for the 20th CPM Party Congress preferred to begin the second day of the conference with an early morning stroll along the Kozhikode beach. Public who turned up on Thursday expecting to see Politburo members like Prakash Karat or Sitaram Yechury were in for a disappointment but plenty of Central Committee members were out there. Vaikom Viswan was the first to turn up as he completed a couple of rounds before exchanging pleasantries with some of those who recognised him and settling on a nearby bench for a round of the morning papers. “My doctors have told me to make  early morning walk a habit due to a few medical issues and Kozhikode beach is the perfect place to start the day,” he said. Just before Viswan was about to leave, he ran into a comrade from Tamil Nadu in Rajya Sabha T K Rangarajan MP. The two chatted for a while before parting their separate ways. Rangarajan said that unlike Viswan, a morning walk was not a habit forced on him. “Early mornings were a part of my schedule from my childhood onwards. Earlier, we used to play cricket at this time but now I have limited it to a stroll around whichever part of the country I find myself in,” he said.Rangarajan was also all praise for the way in which CPM workers had decked Kozhikode up for the party congress. “This is my second visit to Kozhikode with the first coming quite early in my life and I was thrilled to see the way in which the cadre here have prepared the city for the congress. And I am enjoying being in Kozhikode and so close to the sea, he said.

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