44 vehicles booked for violating rules
44 vehicles booked for violating rules
KOCHI: The Motor Vehicles Department (MVD)has booked 44 vehicles for violation of various traffic rules during a crackdown on the ..

KOCHI: The Motor Vehicles Department (MVD)has booked 44 vehicles for violation of various traffic rules during a crackdown on the Airport road. The raids were conducted in the wake of the increasing number of accidents on the stretch leading from the National Highway.  Fines to the tune of around `1 lakh was collected from all the vehicles booked for violations, said Deputy Transport Commissioner P A Sainuddin and RTO T J Thomas. Using speed tracers, 12 vehicles were caught red-handed for violating the time-limit. Actions were initiated against four who drove without a licence and seven others were booked for using vehicles without the required documents.

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