32 jail officials smuggled prohibited items inside Tihar: Government
32 jail officials smuggled prohibited items inside Tihar: Government
Disciplinary actions have been initiated in all the cases except two, where the proceedings have been dropped. In four cases penalty of withholding increment have been imposed on the guilty officials

New Delhi: Thirty-two Tihar officials have been found allegedly involved in smuggling of prohibited items, including mobile phones and chargers, inside the prison complex during the last three years, the Lok Sabha was informed on Wednesday.

Disciplinary actions have been initiated in all the cases except two, where the proceedings have been dropped. In four cases penalty of withholding increment have been imposed on the guilty officials, Minister of State of Home Affairs Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary today said in reply to a question by TDP MP CH. Malla Reddy.

An internal inquiry was conducted by Tihar authorities in which it was found that prohibited articles were thrown from outside as the prison complex is surrounded by densely populated residential area. Inmates are also found at times to smuggle prohibited items through Deodhy (entry lounge) by concealing it in body cavities, he said.

Personnel of Tamil Nadu Special Police have been deployed at the Deodhy of all the jails for searching and frisking or prisoners, staff, visitors and articles brought by them, the minister said.

Surprise searches are conducted in barracks, cells and prisoners by the stall on a regular basis. Also, action is taken against the concerned staff in whose charge the prisoner is kept if any illegal item is found.

Prison department has taken several steps to check the entry of prohibited articles inside jails. FG-1 Poles for detecting metal objects and cell phones in body cavity have been installed.

Deep search metal detectors have been procured for detecting prohibited articles hidden beneath the ground. Centralised teams carry out surprise searches in the jails to recover prohibited articles including mobile phones, charges and batteries.

A total of 258 CCTV cameras have been installed in Delhi Jails for surveillance. Thirty-two cell phone jammers have already been installed in jails to prevent use of mobile phones by the inmates, he added.

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