What does MK mean?
MK means “mm, okay” or “mkay.” Some text slang is hard to guess, but thankfully “mk” means exactly what it sounds like (“mm-kay”). It’s basically interchangeable with “ok,” but with a hesitant or condescending twist. “Mk” is a way to say “yes” or “ok” to something that you’re unsure about or want to express some negative judgment about. Them: “Can you lend me $100? I promise I’ll pay it back this time!”You: “Mk…I guess I can.” You might also see “mk” written as “mmk” or “mkay.”
How to Use MK
Send “mk” to say “OK” or “yes” to something you’re unsure or hesitant about. Use “mk” when you’re wary about agreeing with something but don’t have a concrete reason not to or don’t want to be rude. It’s like saying “I’m not sure about this, but alright.” Them: “Can we get Chinese for dinner?”You: “Mk. I was kind of feeling Italian.” Them: “Let’s go to the bonfire tonight! It’ll be fun.”You: “Mk I guess. Will there be bug spray?”
Use “mk” as a condescending or judgemental acknowledgement. In this scenario, “mk” has more of a “hm, ok, if you’re sure about that…” vibe. Send it whenever you want to subtly shade someone’s decisions or plans because you think they’re bad or won’t pan out well. Add an ellipse (“...”) or a skeptical emoji to emphasize your point. Them: “I chose the blue suit to wear tomorrow.”You: “Mk…” Them: “No need to come early to the party tomorrow, we’ll be set up on time.”You: “Mk…we’ll see! ????”
Add an exclamation point or happy emoji to avoid sounding sarcastic. Since “mk” can come off a bit harsh on its own, pair it with upbeat punctuation and emojis to show you’re in good spirits. This is great for when you truly mean “ok” and don’t have any hesitations or judgments to convey. Them: “Wanna go to the beach today?”You: “Mk! The weather’s great today ☀️” Them: “Let’s stop by Michelle’s gallery opening tonight.”You: “Mk! ???? I love her opening parties.”
How to Reply to MK
Reassure someone about your plans or ideas if they agree with “mk.” Since “mk” relays some skepticism, add more details or promises that your suggestion will be fun, productive, or worth it. You: “Can we get Chinese for dinner?”Them: “Mk. I was kind of feeling Italian.”You: “The new Chinese place down the street is fire, you’re gonna love it.”Them: “Haha ok, if you say so! I’m down.” You: “Let’s go to the bonfire tonight! It’ll be fun.”Them: “Mk I guess. Will there be bug spray?”You: “Of course! You know I never go outdoors without it, haha.”Them: “Haha alright fine, let’s do it! ????”
Politely ask if your idea is OK if someone responds with “mk.” If you sense someone is doubting you, clarify whether you need to change your plans or choices. Or, if you’re confident in your idea, push back against the pushback. Just keep it lighthearted and friendly (if someone had a major problem with your idea, they would probably say so outright). You: “I chose the blue suit to wear tomorrow.”Them: “Mk…”You: “What? Is there a dress code or something?”Them: “Yeah, you’re supposed to wear dark neutrals.” You: “No need to come early to the party tomorrow, we’ll be set up on time.”Them: “Mk…we’ll see! ????”You: “For real! I’m working on being more punctual, haha”Them: “Haha alright, see you tomorrow then!”
Less Common Alternate Meanings of MK
In English slang and formal writing, MK can stand for many different things. While you’re most likely to see “mk” meaning “okay” in most texts or DMs, it might mean something else based on the context of the conversation. Take a look at these other possible (but less commonly used) meanings: Mortal Kombat (the video game) Mary Kay (the cosmetics company) Markup (the cost difference between retail and wholesale prices) Magic Kingdom (the Disney World amusement park) Mong Kok (a major shopping area in Hong Kong) Michael Kors (the designer)
Similar Slang Words to MK
There are lots of ways to say “okay” or “sure” in texting slang. If you’re tired of saying “OK” over and over again and don’t want to sound condescending on accident with “mk,” try one of these more lighthearted slang words or acronyms instead: otay: Okay k or kk: OK np: No problem knp: OK, no problem 4sho: For sure fn: Fine
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