How to Play Sara Sarita
Sit across from a friend with each of you holding a coin. The Sara Sarita horror ritual must be performed with two players. Grab a friend and sit on the floor facing each other. Each of you must hold a coin of equal value in your land (like two quarters or two pennies). There are no rules about when to play this game, but it may be scarier to play at night in the dark.
Chant “Sara Sarita, can we enter your game?” and toss the coins. Say the phrase in unison, then toss the coins over your shoulder so they land behind you. The way the coins land will determine whether or not Sara Sarita allows you to continue the game. If both coins land on heads, the answer is “yes.” Continue with the game. If both coins land on tails, the answer is “no.” Apologize and end the game immediately. If one coin lands on heads and the other lands on tails, the answer is “maybe.” Try asking again until you receive a clear answer.
If you get a yes, take turns asking Sara Sarita questions. Think of some yes or no questions to ask the spirit. Begin each question by addressing Sara Sarita. Ask the question out loud, then toss the coin over your shoulder again. The answers work the same way—two heads are “yes,” two tails are “no,” and one of each is “maybe.”
Ask Sara Sarita if you can end the game. When you’re done asking questions, ask “Sara Sarita, can we leave your game?” out loud and in unison. As usual, toss the coins over your shoulder to get your answer. Only end the game if you get a yes. If you get a no or a maybe, keep asking until Sara Sarita agrees to let you leave. It may take a while to end the game properly, but it is important to do so. Some players have reported scary experiences if they quit before getting a yes. One legend even says that several children in Mexico were put into mental asylums because they didn’t end the game properly. Some sources advise you to hold onto the coins and be careful not to lose or spend them after you finish the game. Some players report feeling a presence behind them even when they’ve successfully left the game. Others notice the sudden presence of a black dog in their life.
The Legend of Sara Sarita
Sara Sarita comes from a Mexican legend about two murdered girls. According to the main legend of Sara Sarita, Sara and Sarita were two sisters who went to school in Mexico. They both wore matching coins on a chain around their necks. One day, the girls stayed behind after school. One of the girls went into the bathroom and was followed by a creepy janitor. He killed the girl, and when her sister went to check on her, he killed her as well. The janitor fled, and when the police arrived, they assumed the girls had gotten into an argument and ruled their deaths a murder-suicide. The janitor was never caught. The girls’ broken chains were found on the floor, with one coin on heads and the other tails.
Another legend claims that Sara Sarita is the Devil’s daughter. There is a lesser-known version of the Sara Sarita ritual, in which Sara Sarita is one entity. Not much is known about this version, but the legend says that Sara Sarita is the daughter of the Devil. Another version claims that Sara Sarita is the ghost of a young woman who died during childbirth and returned from the dead to seek revenge on those who wronged her.
Sara Sarita Origins
Sara Sarita originated in Mexico. Because of this, some people believe the ritual can only be performed in Spanish. The Spanish name for the game is El Juego de Sara Sarita. It doesn’t seem like anyone knows when people first started playing the game, however.
Is Sara Sarita real?
Sara Sarita is just a game. While some people have reported having scary things happen to them when doing the Sara Sarita ritual, there is no evidence that Sara Sarita is real or that any harm will come to you from playing the game. That being said, you don’t have to play anything that scares you or makes you uncomfortable. Don’t let your friends pressure you into playing if you really don’t want to.
Other Scary Slumber Party Games
Bloody Mary To play Bloody Mary, go into a room with a mirror and turn off all the lights. Face the mirror and chant “Bloody Mary” three times. The legend says Bloody Mary’s face will then appear in the mirror. Quickly turn on the lights to get her to go away. This game can be played alone or with friends. If Bloody Mary doesn’t appear after you finish chanting, try spinning in a circle three times.
Baby Blue To perform the Baby Blue ritual, go into a bathroom with a toilet and a mirror and turn off all the lights. Face the mirror, cradle your arms like you’re holding a baby, and chant “Baby Blue, Blue Baby” 13 times. You should begin to feel the weight of an invisible baby in your arms. Flush the weight down the toilet before it gets too heavy.
Dry Bones Just after midnight, go into a dark bathroom and light a match or a candle. Close your eyes and make a wish. If you hear moaning, the demon Dry Bones has arrived. You must then find a hiding spot and avoid him until 3:00 AM. If you successfully evade him, your wish will come true. If you don’t, legend says he’ll take your soul.
Charlie Charlie To play Charlie Charlie (or the Pencil Game), grab a piece of paper and two pencils. Draw an X to divide the paper into 4 boxes, then label two boxes “Yes” and two “No.” Balance the pencils across the lines of the X and ask, “Charlie, Charlie, are you here?” to start the game. Continue to ask the spirit yes or no questions, and the pencils should move to reflect your answer. Some compare the game of Sara Sarita to that of Charlie Charlie.
Daruma-san Go into a dark bathroom and fill the tub with water. Sit on the edge, close your eyes, and begin washing your hair. As you do, chant “Daruma-san fell down, Daruma-san fell down.” According to legend, you’ll see a ghostly figure fall and die in the bathtub. Don’t make eye contact, or she’ll pull you in, too.
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