How to Make Soup in Your Blender
How to Make Soup in Your Blender
Soup can be a great meal or a side dish. A simple, quick way to make soup is using a blender. Some blenders have a high enough speed setting that the friction from the blender itself can heat the soup. If your blender is not able to heat the soup on its own, you can add hot water to heat the soup. You can also make a chilled soup using a blender. You can experiment with a variety of different textures and ingredients to get the type of soup you want.

Making Hot Soups

Chop your vegetables, if necessary. If you don't have a blender with very high settings, you will need to chop up the vegetables before putting them in your blender. A very strong blender, however, should not have problems liquefying whole vegetables. You can save time by just throwing them into the blender.

Try a zucchini soup. For a zucchini soup, you can mix zucchini and other vegetables together in a blender. Add one cup to a cup and a half of hot water to the mix so the soup will heat up while being blended. In addition to the main ingredients, add spices such as dill, cilantro, sea salt, and pepper to taste. Place one whole zucchini, 1 to 2 plum tomatoes, 1 to 2 stalks of celery, 1 sliver of red onion, and 1/2 to 1 garlic clove in the blender. You should blend the ingredients on high for about 90 seconds. However, the exact time varies depending on your blender. You may have to blend the ingredients longer to get a smooth, uniform texture.

Make a tomato-carrot soup. A nice tomato soup can be made in a blender as well. You can spice this soup with things like basil, oregano, dill, or Italian seasoning. You should also add salt and pepper to taste. You should also mix in 1/2 to 1 cup of hot water. Add 1 whole carrot, 1 to 2 whole tomatoes, 1 to 2 stalks of celery, 1 sliver of red onion, and 1/2 to 1 cloves of garlic. Blend the soup for about 90 seconds on high, or until it's smooth.

Decide how and if to heat your soup further. If you use very hot water for your soup, the friction from the blender should result in your soup being adequately hot when it finishes blending. However, if you have a slower blender, the soup may not heat to your liking during the blending process. You can heat soup in a microwave until it's as hot as you want. You can also heat soup over the stove.

Try adding rice to your soup. If you want to make your soup into a full meal, you can then pour the soup over brown rice after making it. You can also try something like lentils or quinoa. This can be a good lunch or dinner.

Making a Chilled Avocado and Cucumber Soup

Prepare your ingredients. A cold cucumber and avocado soup can get you healthy vitamins from fruits and vegetables. It is also easy to store and serve, as you don't have to worry about reheating it. Before you make your chilled soup, prepare your ingredients. You will need 2 large cucumbers. You should peel and dice them before adding them to your soup. Chop up two scallions, including the green and white portions. Scoop out the insides of a large avocado and discard the skin.

Add the ingredients to the blender. Add the cucumbers, avocado, and scallions to a blender. You should also add two tablespoons of lime juice, 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of sea salt, and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper.

Blend the ingredients until smooth. How long this will take depends on the speed of your blender. Keep blending the ingredients until they have a smooth, soup-like quality. If your blender runs on a very high setting, you may want to use a lower or middle setting instead of a high setting. While the high setting will blend ingredients faster, it may make your soup hotter than you want due to the friction.

Serve right away. You do not have to wait before serving chilled soup. It can be served as soon as it comes out of the blender. It can make a great snack, a side dish, or can be a meal in itself. If you have soup leftover, store it in the refrigerator for later. One advantage of chilled soup is that it does not need to be reheated after storage.

Adjusting the Heat and Texture

Add thicker ingredients for a chunkier soup. Some people dislike the texture of very smooth soup. If you want something slightly chunkier, add more of the chunkier ingredients. Additional celery and tomatoes, for example, can make soup chunkier. You can use the "pulse" button to mix in the added ingredients so the soup does not become too much like liquid.

Use a blender to heat the soup. If you have a very powerful blender, you do not need to heat the soup after blending it. With powerful blenders, 90 seconds of blending at a high speed will heat your soup. If you want your soup hotter, you can continue heating it in the blender instead of heating up over the stove or in the microwave.

Add hot water to warm the soup. If your soup does not come out as hot as you want, and you don't want to blend it further, you can add a little more hot water. Tossing in another half cup of hot water can heat the soup up without damaging its texture too much.

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