How to Flirt with a Scorpio Man over Text (with Examples)
How to Flirt with a Scorpio Man over Text (with Examples)
So you’ve scored a handsome, sensual Scorpio guy’s number—well done! Now you can get to know him over text and start flirting with him too. This sign is cautious at first, but once he opens up, you’ll find that your Scorpio is passionate and loyal.[1]
Expert Source

Angel EyedealismAstrologer & Performance Artist

Expert Interview. 8 December 2021.

If you approach him with the right amount of mystery, humor, and understanding, you’ll win his heart in no time. Read on for our complete guide to flirting with a Scorpio man over text.This article is based on an interview with our astrologer and performance artist, Angel Eyedealism. Check out the full interview here.

Maintain an air of mystery.

Appeal to a secretive Scorpio by being selectively available. Hold back some information when you text him to let him figure you out gradually. Tell him you’re already busy the day he tries to make plans and suggest an alternative date. Scorpio will respect and admire your desire for privacy, as he feels the same way. When he asks you out, text, “That sounds fun! ???? I’m gonna be SUPER busy that day, though. How about next Thursday?” Share some personal details when he asks, but hint that there’s more to know. “I actually studied a few different subjects in college! What about you?” Be selectively available but don’t act like you have other dates. A loyal Scorpio won’t enjoy playing hard-to-get if he thinks you’re flirting with multiple people.

Compliment him.

Feed your proud Scorpio’s ego with sincere praise. If a Scorpio likes you, they will give you lots of sweet compliments to prove their interest in you. Return the favor and text him a thoughtful compliment to show him that you like him, too. Scorpios are intuitive enough to see through simple flattery, so make sure that your words are genuine! “I love the way your mind works! You always have something interesting to say when we talk.” “Whatever you’re doing to look so good all the time, keep it up! It’s working. ????” Offer your Scorpio a heartfelt thank you when he pays you a compliment, too.

Ask him personal questions.

He flirts by asking questions and will be flattered if you do too. Scorpios are observant and careful, so he’ll make it his mission to learn as much about you as possible. Flirt with him by showing him you’re just as curious as he is and asking personal questions about him. When possible, ask for his opinion on something—he’ll be happy that you thought to consult him. “You seem like a guy of many talents! ???? What’s your absolute favorite hobby?” “I think I’m gonna rent a movie tonight. What do you think I should watch? ????” Suggest that you both play a guessing game. The idea will intrigue him and allow you to ask and answer questions together.

Talk to him intelligently.

Focused and clever Scorpio is attracted to an equally bright mind. Encourage him to share his perspective on subjects that he finds fascinating, and keep an open mind as he shares his thoughts. Offer up your own ideas on each topic and show him that you can hold your own intellectually! “Have you watched this recent Netflix documentary? I’d be interested to hear your take on it! You always have really cool insights. ????” Anything with an element of mystery is sure to engage Scorpio’s intuitive mind: dreams, aliens, the supernatural, and magic. You don’t need to agree with him about everything, but you should make an effort to disagree respectfully—Scorpio can be surprisingly sensitive.

Make him laugh.

Dark humor is right up a Scorpio guy’s alley. If he’s crushing over you, he may already have sent you a joke or two. If you show him that you appreciate the joke—or better yet, respond with a dirty or sarcastic joke of your own—he’ll take it as a sign that you like him too. Scorpio appreciates the crass and dark jokes that other signs might find distasteful, so take your best shot! “Don’t worry about what other people think! It’s not like they do it often. ????” “My favorite party trick is not going at all! ????????” Send him funny videos and memes, too. Text him to brighten his day a little and show him that you’re thinking about him.

Share a secret with him.

A mysterious and intuitive Scorpio wants to know your deepest feelings. This sign is all about looking past the surface of someone’s personality to find out who they are on the inside. Hint you have a secret to share with your Scorpio guy, and he’ll instantly be hooked. He’ll also be flattered that you chose to confide in him and keep your secret loyally. “Can I tell you a secret? ????” “Can we hang out alone? I have something to tell you, just between you and me.” “I’m normally pretty private, but I need to get something off my chest—and I trust you.”

Excite him with innuendos.

The most sexual of the zodiac signs, Scorpio loves risque banter. He won’t be turned off by suggestive—or even outright dirty—talk over text; on the contrary, he’ll find it thrilling! Send a playful, teasing text or one with a flirty double-meaning to get his attention. If he’s interested, he’ll eagerly play along. “I have a surprise for you. I think you’re going to like it! ????” “I had a dream about you last night…” “You left something at my place last time you were here! You should come over tonight and pick it up. ????”

Send him a sexy photo.

Scorpio is extremely sensual, so he’ll love an eye-catching pic. Be careful and make sure your Scorpio is trustworthy. Once you feel comfortable, try sending him a photo of yourself in your most attractive and form-fitting outfit or undergarments if you feel daring. Scorpios like it when you leave something to the imagination, so a sexy outfit will entice him even more than a nude pic might. Black and red are often associated with the Scorpio sign. Wear a classic little black dress in your selfie, or tight black pants and a dark red shirt. Let your flirting build for a little while before you send anything revealing. If he asks for a sexy photo right away, he’s probably not looking for anything more.

Be honest with him.

Intuitive Scorpio can spot a lie a mile away. This sign also tends to be paranoid—so even though he likes mystery, he also wants to know you’re flirting with him and nobody else. Be honest about your feelings and let him know that he’s the only guy who has caught your eye. It’ll make him feel more secure in your blossoming relationship! “I’ve only got my eyes on one guy. Guess who? ????” “Just wanted you to know that I like you a lot. What are you going to do about it? ????” “Who needs dating apps when a guy like you is right here? ????”

Keep your texts short and engaging.

He likes texting often but doesn’t want to spend much time reading. Unless it makes sense to write more, limit your texts to 1 or 2 sentences total. On the other hand, 1-word texts aren’t exciting, and Scorpios don’t like boring conversations, so make sure you’ve got a purpose for each text! “Hey” probably won’t interest him, but “You’ll never guess what happened today!” will, since it’s short, sweet, and you’re texting him with the intent of sharing news. If he starts sending longer texts as your relationship deepens, feel free to do the same. Until that time, stick to short and easy-to-read messages. EXPERT TIP Cher Gopman Cher Gopman Dating Coach Cher Gopman is the Founder of NYC Wingwoman LLC, a date coaching service based in New York City. 'NYC Wingwoman' offers matchmaking, wingwoman services, 1-on-1 Coaching, and intensive weekend bootcamps. Cher is a Certified Life Coach, a former psychiatric nurse, and her work has been featured on Inside Edition, Fox, ABC, VH1, and The New York Post. Cher Gopman Cher Gopman Dating Coach It's okay to use emojis here and there when texting. Try not to overuse them, as that'll come off as too eager. But a little bit of emoji use will show them that you're lighthearted and fun. You should also always try to move the conversation forward as you're texting. You don't want to stick to one topic for too long, as this can become boring for the other person. Finally, don't be afraid to send a photo of somewhere that you're located that reminds you of the person for whatever reason, or say a song just came on and reminded you of the person. If you show that interest and common ground and it'll make the other person excited as well.

Text him consistently.

It’s easier for your cautious Scorpio to trust a reliable texter. Scorpios are distrustful by nature, but you can show him that you're dependable and loyal by texting him regularly and staying present in his life. Base the frequency of your texts on what he does: if he’s only texting you every couple of days, do the same. If he’s texting you three times a day, text him back just as often.

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