How to Flirt with a Guy over Video Call
How to Flirt with a Guy over Video Call
With online dating becoming more and more common, video calls have become the place to flirt. Since it’s a little different than meeting someone IRL, it can be kind of tricky to figure out how to show a guy you’re interested via the internet. We’ve compiled a few ways you can flirt on a video call to (hopefully) land the guy of your dreams.

Look into the camera, not at the screen.

Eye contact is a huge factor in flirting. Whenever you can, try to glance at your webcam or camera so it looks like you’re locking eyes with him. You don’t have to do it the entire video chat (that can be a little exhausting), but a glance here and there can really amp up your conversation. Try to do it when he’s talking so it looks like you’re really interested in what he has to say.

Give him a few compliments.

What’s something you really like about him? It could be about his appearance, his personality, or even something you can spot in the background. Compliments tend to put people at ease, and it’s a nice way to let him know that you might like him as more than just a friend. Try something like: “Wow, you have the best laugh.” “Your hair looks so good today!” “I love how nice you are to everyone.” “That poster behind you looks really cool.”

Ask follow-up questions.

When you two start chatting, be really interested in what he says. Practice active listening by making eye contact (looking into the camera) and asking him to elaborate on his stories. For instance, if he told you that he took a test today, you might ask, “How do you think you did?” If he’s explaining that he just finished working on a science project, you could say, “Oh, cool! What’s your project about?” Not only is this a good flirting technique, it can help you keep the conversation going to avoid any awkward pauses.

Laugh or giggle at his jokes.

Let him know you think he’s funny and fun to be around. If he makes a joke, laugh at it if you genuinely think it’s funny. Tell him that he’s hilarious to give him a compliment and keep up your flirty banter. Since you aren’t there in person with him, make your laugh really apparent. A small chuckle won’t be as noticeable as a belly laugh. However, make sure your laugh is genuine, as a fake laugh could come across a little weird over video chat.

Bite your lip.

Biting your lip is an instant sign that you’re into him. Even if it’s just for a second, make eye contact by looking into the camera and bite down on your lower lip. Give him a little smile and then laugh, like you didn’t even know what you were doing. This is a good move to pull during any pauses in the conversation. You could also swipe on some lip balm to draw attention to your lips during the video chat.

Nod along to what he says.

It’s encouraging and shows you like talking to him. As you two chat, nod your head and say “mhm” or “uh-huh” to keep him talking. It’s a subtle way to flirt, but it’s also just polite! You don’t have to nod the entire time (that might be a little strange), but you can try it when he says something you really agree with.

Tilt your head to the side.

It’s an endearing mannerism that looks super cute, even over video call. When you’re asking a question or confused about something, try tilting your head just slightly. You can bite your lip and smile at the same time for a fun, flirty gesture. You could also try twirling your hair at the same time.

Play some online games for a flirty competition.

A fun activity can really bring you two closer together. Head over to an online multiplayer game, like Exploding Kittens, Jackbox Games, or Heads Up. Tell your crush that whoever wins has to buy the other person dinner when you two meet up in person. You can get to know each other with a fun activity that doesn’t require a ton of effort. If you both have consoles, you could also play a multiplayer video game together.

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