How to Drive a Sagittarius Woman Crazy
How to Drive a Sagittarius Woman Crazy
Full of adventure, confidence, and fire, there’s no wonder a Sagittarius woman is easy to fall for! You’re head over heels for this woman, but how do you drive her crazy enough to want you? Lean into her adventurous side or tease her with what she doesn’t have, and soon enough she’ll be racing to your side. Keep reading to learn how you can drive a Sagittarius woman crazy.

Be confident.

Sagittarius women love someone who has a lot of confidence. She wants someone who is confident in themselves. You are amazing, so don’t be afraid to show it! Play your favorite music to hype yourself up before seeing her, and put on an outfit that makes you feel great. Your confidence is sure to drive her crazy! Try wearing bold colors, flashy patterns, or a trendy look—something that’ll make you stand out from the crowd and make you feel fantastic. Flaunt what you got! Don’t shy away from showing off the best parts of yourself. Flex those muscles or flip that hair. You are incredible and she’s going to notice too!

Know what you want.

Confidence is what ultimately attracts a Sagittarius woman. She needs someone stable to steady her changing mood and fast lifestyle. Someone who has focused goals and is passionately chasing their dreams is just who she’s looking for. Your ability to reach for the stars will drive her crazy as she’ll want to learn all about your ambitions. Keep your social media updated with your latest successes. Post thoughtful captions about your hopes and dreams and pictures of you actively pursuing them.

Make the first move.

Captivate her confidence by being confident yourself. A Sagittarius’s extremely social nature can get the best of them, especially in a relationship. It can be hard grabbing her attention, so be bold enough to catch her eye. She’s bound to remember you if you make the first move, and will instantly want to learn more about you. Tap her on the shoulder and ask her on a date. Slip her a piece of paper with your number and a smooth compliment. Invite her to a social event she won’t be able to refuse like a house party or sporting event.

Flirt with her.

Nothing turns on a Sagittarius more than a sexy compliment. You know she’s gorgeous, so don’t be afraid to let her know that! A compliment here or there about her intelligence or appearance will make her crazy for you. Think about what you like most about her and tell her exactly that. If you don’t know where to start, see if any of these compliments scream her: “You’ve got a great sense of humor.” “I feel like I’m a better person around you.” “You’re the sexiest person I’ve ever seen.” “You’re my favorite person to see every day.”

Make her laugh.

A Sagittarius woman is looking for someone they can have a good time with. She wants someone she can have fun with, whether it be on an adventure or just sitting on the couch. Laughter is an easy way you can grab her heart and make her crazy about you. Tell her a joke that’ll have her laughing and cringing at the same time. Share a funny story about something embarrassing you did. Send her a funny video you found that made you cry with laughter.

Take her on an adventure.

A Sagittarius woman craves the thrill of the open road. She wants adventure more than anything and has a strong passion for travel. Bring her on a surprise road trip or to a secret destination. The excitement and mystery will have her crazy about you in no time! Blindfold her and take her to a secret location in the woods where you’ve set up a romantic picnic. Buy her plane tickets to her dream destination. Take her skydiving, rock climbing, or hiking in a beautifully scenic area. Whatever adventure you take her on, keep it a surprise. She seeks the thrill, so let her try and figure it out as you go.

Keep things fun and light-hearted.

Emotions aren’t a Sagittarius’s strong suit. Emotional conversations will be a big turn off for her, especially right away, so be cool and collected around her. Take on an easy-going nature, getting excited about life. Try not to be clingy, mopey, or overly affectionate. A calm approach will make her crazy about you, so keep it together!

Introduce her to your friends.

Sagittariuses are social creatures. If you want to make her crazy about you, let her into your social circle. She’s going to want to meet your friends sooner or later, so why not sooner? This will show her just how cool you are with others. Ask your friends to hype you up when she’s around. Maybe they can share a story of when you were fearless, or they can drop a compliment about you in conversation.

Involve her in your interests.

Easily bored, Sagittariuses are always down to learn new hobbies. Show her all the cool things you can do to pique her interest. If you like painting, show her your latest pieces. If you’re in a band, invite her to a gig. The more you involve her in your interests, the more she’ll want to learn more about you.

Be optimistic.

A huge turn on for Sagittariuses is a glass-half-full perspective. She doesn’t want to be in a relationship with someone who will rain on her parade—she wants someone who will lift her up when things get rough! Be warm and soft around her, even on her bad days. This will draw her towards you and leave a lasting impression. Bring the bright side to every conversation. Think of ways you can cheer her up when she’s down like bringing her chocolates or being a smiling face she can always look to.

Respect her boundaries.

The last thing a Sagittarius woman wants is to be caged. She is a free, adventurous, and courageous spirit who knows what she wants when she wants it. She doesn’t have many boundaries, but she does want them to be respected at all times. You respecting her will have her thinking highly of you. Ask her what she wants and doesn’t want in a relationship. You caring about her needs will be a big turn on! Be honest with her about your own boundaries, and she will be honest with you in return.

Let her be right.

A Sagittarius woman is never wrong, ever. When trying to catch her eye or starting a relationship, let her opinion reign supreme. It’s okay to correct her— gently of course—but put her opinion first. Your interest in her opinions will have her begging for your attention. Have a friendly debate with her, but don’t shove down her opinion. Challenge her without making her feel incompetent. Inquire about her interests and thoughts on a topic you know you can have a casual conversation about.

Play hard to get and let her win.

Sagittariuses love the thrilling rush that comes with a chase, but only when they’re winning. Playing hard to get is a tricky tactic, but if done right, you’ll be all she can think about. Have her think you’re in a relationship with someone else and she has to win you over. The key here is for her to be on top. Mind games will immediately turn her off—she’s much more than a prize to be won! Bring her on mini adventures or challenge her to a contact sport.

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