5 Ways To Improve Muscle Mass And Bone Density
5 Ways To Improve Muscle Mass And Bone Density
Dr Sai Krishna B Naidu, MBBS, MRCS, Dip SICOT, FRCS Ortho(UK), Mch Ortho, HOD, Trauma & Orthopaedics, Bone & Joint surgery Fortis Hospital, Bengaluru shares ways to improve muscle mass

Achieving optimal muscle mass and bone density is crucial for maintaining strength, mobility, and overall well-being. Five proven strategies can help improve muscle mass and bone density. By implementing these techniques into your lifestyle, you can enhance your physical performance, reduce the risk of injuries, and promote long-term bone health. From resistance training and proper nutrition to regular physical activity and adequate rest, these approaches will empower you to optimize your musculoskeletal health and enjoy an active and fulfilling life. Let’s delve into these strategies and unlock the potential for a stronger and healthier you. 

Most important ways are to build muscle mass and bone density by following:

  • A high protein and balanced diet
  • Supplements such as essential vitamins
  • Exercise regularly
  • Avoid low calorie diet
  • Avoid excessive alcohol and smoking

  1. High protein dietMost of the bone density is attained and reached by the age of twenty-five years. Once this is achieved the muscle mass can be maintained by protein rich foods such as egg, meat, peas almonds, soya bean chickpeas etc.Study done in Europe among post-menopausal women has shown, onion eating population vs non eating has shown with increased incidence of osteoporosis in those who don’t eat onion.
  2. Supplements rich foods on calcium and vitaminsSupplements and vitamins are essential building blocks of muscle and bones. Mostly Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Calcium, Vitamin C etc.

    Calcium is most essential building block of the bone recommended daily allowance (RDA) of calcium is about 1000mg. Nutritional calcium rich food is important to replenish the daily bone loss, as bone remodeling process happens every day. This bone loss release calcium back in the blood called ionized calcium. This form of calcium is essential for most of the muscles including heart muscle.

    Vitamin D is mainly produce in the body with adequate sunlight exposure. This along with Vitamin K2 is shown to strengthen the bone. This Vitamin helps in calcium absorption from the intestines as well. Lack of Vitamin D causes poor bone strength.

    In elderly the weight bearing exercises has shown to reduce bone loss and helps in good bone formation. Along with supplements and aided with exercise prevents osteoporosis and osteopenia.

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