Nutritious Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter
Nutritious Foods to Keep You Warm This Winter
Hunger pangs will greet the impending winter. Here are some foods you need to include in your diet this winter to stay warm and healthy

At the very mention of winter, most of us think about warm blankets and hot chocolate or a bowl full of Gajar ka Halwa. Winter is coming and it will bring with it hunger cravings. As your cravings will increase, it is important to eat healthy during this time. Not only will it keep you fit, but it will also boost your immunity. Choose fresh, organic and easy-to-digest, wholesome foods like fresh veggies, fruits, dry fruits, nuts, whole grains, legumes, and ghee this season.

Here are a few food suggestions you must add to your winter diet to keep you warm and fit:

Cheese, Eggs, and Fish

These foods are packed with proteins and Vitamin B12. The vitamin content is essential to boost the immunity system. Add cheese to your sandwiches and curries. Eat a boiled egg, sunny side up, or scrambled eggs with your toast. Include fish in curries, or while making fried rice, or cutlets. These meals reduce fatigue and will boost energy.


Include sweet potatoes, turnips, and yams in your diet. Sweet Potatoes are rich in fibre, vitamin A and potassium. It helps with constipation, improves immunity and helps with inflammation. Turnips are packed with antioxidants and vitamin K. Include broccoli, mushrooms, radishes, beans, and carrots too in your diet. You can make soup with vegetables to keep you warm and healthy. Methi, palak and sarson are also must-haves during this time. Make methi ke thepla, palak paneer and sarson da saag for a wholesome meal.


Dates have low-fat content and can help you with weight loss. It is an excellent source of vitamin, mineral, and antioxidant content. This powerhouse of nutrients is a must in winter as it will keep you warm.

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Bajra is rich in iron, fat, protein and fibre. It can help with haemoglobin levels and anaemia. You can use bajra flour to make rotis. You can add bajra to your porridge or khichdi as well.


Include spices like mustard, black pepper, methi, and ajwain in your winter foods. These spices are excellent for immunity, colds, coughs, flu, digestion and improving blood circulation. Add ginger, cloves, cinnamon turmeric, and jeera too. These spices add aroma to the food and also increase the nutritional content of the dish.

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