Gujarat Woman's Weight Comes Down to 49 kg After 47 kg Tumour Removal
Gujarat Woman's Weight Comes Down to 49 kg After 47 kg Tumour Removal
The massive tumour is claimed to be the biggest non-ovarian tumour to have ever been surgically removed in India.

A team of eight doctors has given a new lease of life to a 56-year-old woman in Ahmedabad after they successfully removed a 47 kg tumour from her abdomen. Reportedly, the massive tumour is claimed to be the biggest non-ovarian tumour to have ever been surgically removed in India. The woman’s son told Times of India that the 56-year-old had been carrying the tumour for the past 18 years, and was bed-ridden for the last few months. According to the report, the woman experienced unexplained weight gain in the abdominal area 18 years ago, and sonography had then revealed a benign tumour. During a surgery at the time, the doctors found that the tumour was attached to an internal organ, resulting in the discontinuation of the surgery.

The discontinuation of the surgery caused the tumour to grow bigger, and in the past two years, it almost doubled, affecting her quality of life. Chief surgical gastroenterologist Dr. Chirag Desai, who led the team of surgeons at Apollo Hospitals, said that the doctors couldn’t weigh the woman before the operation as she was not able to stand straight. However, after the surgery, her body weight dropped to 49kg, just two kilograms more than the weight of the tumour. According to the media reports, the doctors removed abdominal wall tissues and excess skin that weighed about seven kilograms during the operation.

“The removal including the tumour – in our parlance retroperitoneal leiomyoma – weighed more than her actual weight. This happens rarely,” Dr. Desai was quoted as saying. In addition, Dr. Desai noted that all the internal organs of the woman were displaced and that the heart, lungs, kidneys, and the uterus had got pushed aside by the enlarged tumour in the stomach wall. After being in post-operative care for over a fortnight, the patient was discharged on Monday.Last year in August, a 50kg tumour was removed from the ovary of a 52-year-old woman who was a Delhi resident and weighed 106kg. It took three and half hours of surgery to extract that massive tumour at Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals.

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