Donald Trump's Win: 10 Best Front Pages From Around The World
Donald Trump's Win: 10 Best Front Pages From Around The World
We sampled hundreds of newspaper front pages from around the world for this.

The day after Donald Trump's dramatic victory in the US presidential elections, a common thread ran across the newspaper front pages around the world - the selection of new most powerful man in the world.

The election outcome, that can potentially alter the history of the United States and that of the world as a consequence, did get the creative juices flowing in front page editors and designers.

We sampled hundreds of newspaper front pages from around the world published the morning after Trump's triumph and here are 10 of the very best (in no particular order).

The Guardian, London

Liberation, Paris

Montgomery Advertiser, Montgomery, USA

Rheinische Post, Dusseldorf, Germany

The Telegraph, Kolkata

De Morgen, Brussels, Belgium

La Stampa, Torino, Italy

The Dominion Post, Wellington, New Zealand

The Indian Express, Mumbai

Toronto Star, Toronto, Canada

(All images copyright of the respective newspapers)

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