Rare 70 kg Tiger Fish Hits Bengal's Jalpaiguri Market, Can You Guess Its Price?
Rare 70 kg Tiger Fish Hits Bengal's Jalpaiguri Market, Can You Guess Its Price?
One customer stated that he had never encountered a specimen weighing 70 kg and was equally surprised by its affordable price.

Ajay Das, a fish vendor at the Jalpaiguri Fish Market in Bengal, experienced unparalleled excitement just two days ago as a stream of customers flooded his kiosk. The cause of this buzz was none other than a 70 kg tiger fish, freshly caught from the Ganges in Bihar and brought to the Jalpaiguri Market for sale.

The rare specimen made its way to Jalpaiguri from Bihar on a Saturday morning, creating a spectacle at Ajay Das’s fish shop. A crowd eagerly gathered to witness the sheer size and weight of this extraordinary fish, sparking a festive atmosphere at the fish market. The mammoth fish was eventually sold for Rs 500 per kg, with enthusiastic buyers negotiating deals with Ajay Das. One customer, Amit Sarkar, expressed his astonishment at the unprecedented size of the fish, stating that he had never encountered a specimen weighing 70 kg and was equally surprised by its affordable price.

Recalling the past, fish seller Ashok Shan noted that the last time the market witnessed such a significant fish was in 2010. This recent occurrence, however, marked the first instance of a fish of this magnitude gracing the Jalpaiguri fish market. Interestingly, a few days before this incident, another unusually large fish was discovered in the Karla River in Jalpaiguri. Resident Sanjeev Das managed to spear the fish after a prolonged struggle in the water, describing it as American roe.

This discovery follows a trend of notable fish finds, including a 150 kg fish caught on Digha beach a few months ago. Fishermen in Digha were taken aback by the unexpected appearance of such a sizable fish in the estuary. The fish, brought by a fisherman from Paradwip, Odisha, drew crowds eager to witness the spectacle, underscoring the fascination these extraordinary catches evoke among locals.

The recent surge in colossal fish discoveries not only showcases the diversity of aquatic life in these regions but also adds a unique charm to the local fish markets, captivating the imagination of both vendors and customers alike.

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