There have been various reports from around the world where people have come across secret rooms in their houses. One found what looked like a panic room, while others found small hidden spaces which opened up to a huge hall. Generally, this happens when the house is quite old. Similarly, a man found a secret room in his basement after living for two years in his house. Upon checking out the secret room, he was in for a huge shock, after he found a few objectionable things there.
A Reddit user shared his experience after he and his family lived in the house for two years. He shared a few photos of his house. He added that they were not informed about the basement while the house was being handed over to them. Neither did the paperwork nor a house inspection revealed the presence of a basement.
The Reddit user further said that he was aware that the house had a 10×10 feet room beneath in which the heater and furnace were hidden. He believes that the basement was built in 1900 and the house was renovated in the 1950s or 60s. But he was unaware of the presence of another room in the basement which was closed and sealed. One day, he came across a sealed door and opened it. To his utter surprise, he saw a secret staircase. He was sceptical about stepping inside since the ground inside was paved. But what did he find there?
When he inspected the room, he found newspapers from 1987, a broken chair and a notepad. He also found some objectionable and sickening books which were related to rape. He also found some dirty blankets near the walls. After digging for more information, they found out that the previous owner of the house, his wife and two children used to live there.
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