Greater Noida Road Rage: 3 Arrested After Dashcam Video Showing Attack On Family Goes Viral
Greater Noida Road Rage: 3 Arrested After Dashcam Video Showing Attack On Family Goes Viral
The incident was caught on the car's dashcam, which helped in identifying the BMW car and the suspects.

The Uttar Pradesh Police has made arrests in a road rage case, where a group of men were seen chasing and attacking a car in Greater Noida. The arrests came after the dashcam footage of the attack was shared on social media. According to HT Auto, three suspects have been arrested. The fourth person involved in the case is yet to be nabbed. All suspects are B.Tech students of a private university in Greater Noida. The BMW car used in the incident has also been seized by the police.

The viral dashcam footage showed the family car making its way on the nearly empty roads of Greater Noida while they were going to the hospital to see a relative who was admitted. The clip was shared on a car-related subReddit on May 5 and it soon went viral. Taking cognisance of the matter, the UP Police traced the BMW car and apprehended the suspects. Now, a video has gone viral and it shows the BMW and two of the suspects held at the Gautam Buddha Nagar police station.

As per the dashcam footage, at 1.00.58 am, the BMW that was coming from the opposite side tried to overtake a car in front of it. In the process, the BMW hit the family car. This incoming car had high beam lights on. Instead of confronting the person for hitting them, the family car kept moving. Someone inside the car mentioned that the offending car would be caught on the dashcam.

Just a few minutes later, the car that hit them began to chase them, frightening everyone. A woman inside the car could be heard asking a relative to reach out to police because they felt unsafe. Just 14 minutes later at 1.14.37 the BMW that hit them overtook them and parked right in front of their car, thereby stopping them from moving ahead.

In a scary manner, three men got out of the car and started hurling what appeared to be stones or glass bottles at the car. The driver skillfully reversed the car by several feet and then turned around. The family car tried to stop at a nearby police station but found it closed. At 1 am, the streets around them are empty which added to the anxious environment.

Goons in BMW attacked family at 1 AM in Greater Noida, this is so scary man, also shows the importance of dashcambyu/D_Invincible inCarsIndia

According to Hindustan Times, a UP Police official said that the victims did not want to take legal action but the law enforcement decided to take suo motu cognisance of the matter. Ashok Kumar, additional deputy commissioner of police, Greater Noida, told the media outlet, “The incident took place on the night of May 2, 2024. In the said case, the victim refused to take any legal action. Taking suo motu cognizance of the incident, Knowledge Park police station is taking action under the Goonda Act against the suspects seen in the video.”

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