Twitter Will Not Let You Edit Tweets, But The Returning Brizzly+ is What You Need
Twitter Will Not Let You Edit Tweets, But The Returning Brizzly+ is What You Need
For all this additional convenience, you will have to pay $5 per month for the Brizzly+ subscription. Chances are, most people would be interested in the undo tweets feature, and you can set a pre-defined window which will allow you to “undo” a tweet you may have posted for any editing that it may require—and tweet again.

We have waited long enough, but it seems Twitter isn’t at all interested in giving us an edit button. Or a chance to correct our mistakes on the social network. Nevertheless, there might be a solution at hand. The Brizzly client for Twitter is back and is back with something called the Brizzly+. What this offers you is a lot of functionality otherwise missing in Twitter, such as undo tweets to edit them, auto delete tweets, save favorite tweets something that Brizzly refers to as custom prompts.

For all this additional convenience, you will have to pay $5 per month for the Brizzly+ subscription. Chances are, most people would be interested in the undo tweets feature, and you can set a pre-defined window which will allow you to “undo” a tweet you may have posted for any editing that it may require—and tweet again. For those eagle-eyed readers who may say this isn’t exactly editing, you would be absolutely correct. Brizzly+ will actually delete the older tweet and let you post the updated one as a new tweet. But then again, that’s a small price to pay for offending someone.

The auto-delete feature can be preset for 24 hours, a week or a month and Brizzly+ will automatically delete those tweets once their window is complete. For these auto-delete tweets feature, you will also get the flexibility to save some of the tweets that may have received a good response in that period of time, such as the number of likes. “If you select to have tweets auto-deleted, you can set a threshhold of likes for your tweets and they'll be saved if the threshold is met,” say the developers. At this time, Brizzly+ experience is available via the web browser on mobiles and desktops. The developers say that the Brizzly app is optimized for mobile and works well with mobile browsers too. At present, there are no separate apps for Android and iOS, or for Windows 10 and macOS.

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