Religion, Ram Temple, Population Policy: A List of Mohan Bhagwat's 'Dos and Don'ts' for India's Future
Religion, Ram Temple, Population Policy: A List of Mohan Bhagwat's 'Dos and Don'ts' for India's Future
Mohan Bhagwat tried to clear many misconceptions associated with the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh during the three-day lecture series on 'Future of Bharat: An RSS Perspective'.

Drawing parallel between the traditions and practices of Hindus and minorities, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat said that not just Hindus but others too called Ram the 'Imam-e-Hind' and construction of Ram Temple would remove the major source of tension between Hindus and Muslims.

Besides talking about minorities, the 'sarsanghchalak' tried to clear many misconceptions about the outfit during three-day lecture series on 'Future of Bharat: An RSS Perspective'. Here's a look at Bhagwat's 'unity pitch'.

Ram Mandir: Uniting Hindus and Muslims

“A grand mandir for Ram should be built at the Ramjanmabhoomi in Ayodhya as soon as possible. Many communities across religions look up to Ram as their ideal. For some he is Imam-e-Hind. As a Sarsanghchalak, I think it is only right that a grand mandir should be built at the Ram janambhoomi. The building of Ram mandir will end a major issue of friction between Hindus and Muslims. And if it is done amicably, it will automatically silence those who point fingers at the Muslim community.”

Conversion: Why Some Convert When All Are Equal?

“Since everyone says all religions are the same, what is the need for conversion? Those who promote conversion are not promoting spirituality. Their objectives are sinister. My personal beliefs should be my own prerogative. Religion cannot be sold in the market. We respect those who move into another religion out of their own conviction. But all of us know how conversions are done. If money exchanges hands to force conversions, we will speak against it.”

Hindutva Pitch: Not Without Muslims

“We consider our nation as a Hindu Rashtra, and our understanding says that Hindu Rashtra does not mean it has no place for Muslims. The day we say that Muslims are unwanted here, the concept of Hindutva will not exist. Hindutva believes that the world is a family.”

Population Policy: Special Attention to Where It's Needed

“A comprehensive and balanced policy should be made on the issue of population. The policy makers must envision the next 50 years and plan accordingly. The policy, once it is made, should be applicable to all communities. And wherever the situation is more complicated, it should be implemented on a priority basis.”

'Pollution' During Hindu Festivities

“Environment and pollution are important national issues and every community needs to think and act responsibly during their festivals. This should apply across all communities. But why are only Hindu festivals being selectively targeted in the name of pollution? Hindu traditions have always evolved according to times and we should be ready to change systems that are harming the environment. This should apply to everyone. There are festivals in other cultures also that can fit this bill...”

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