BJP's plea to sick MPs: get well soon for July 22
BJP's plea to sick MPs: get well soon for July 22
Party contacts lawmakers recuperating after accident and surgeries.

New Delhi: The BJP is planning to fly a bedridden party MP from Nashik to New Delhi so that he can take part in Tuesday's crucial trust vote in parliament.

Harishchandra Chavan, MP from Malegaon in Maharashtra, is currently in a splint and bedridden in a Nashik hospital.

Chavan met with a road accident while travelling from Nashik to Niphad on June 10 and suffered head injuries, a fractured right arm, and multiple fractures on his right thigh.

“I have not yet decided whether to go (to Delhi) or not since the doctors have not yet given their consent,” Chavan told IANS on phone from his hospital bed Friday afternoon.

His orthopaedic surgeon, Prashant Patil at Nashik's Suyash Hospital, told IANS that “Chavan is completely immobilised for the five weeks”.

“His right leg had multiple fractures and he underwent several operations. He will continue to be immobilised for at least another three weeks since he is in a splint,” Patil explained.

“Shifting or moving him now could cause problems. If that was possible, he would have been discharged.”

But with the central government now on the razor's edge, the 57-year-old opposition MP said he was consulting his state and central party leaders and would take a decision on going to the capital in the next couple of days.

Several party leaders from New Delhi have been making anxious telephone calls to his relatives as well as state party leaders.

“I must reach there Monday evening or latest Tuesday morning for the trust vote. I shall seek medical advice and my party leaders' opinion before deciding the further course of action,” Chavan said.

He admitted that he continues to be in pain and cannot move at all. His wife Kalavati is always beside him while his son Samir and daughter Snehalata and other relatives visit him regularly.

PTI reports that the BJP has contacted actor and Bikaner MP Dharmendra, who is recuperating in Los Angeles after a knee surgery, to know whether he will be able to attend the floor test.

The party has also contacted Mahesh Kanodia, BJP MP from Patan in Gujarat, who is recuperating after an open-heart surgery.

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