BJP's focus should be on governance and the UPA's record: Ashok Malik
BJP's focus should be on governance and the UPA's record: Ashok Malik
Is the BJP a house divided over Modi?

As the war of words between Narendra Modi and the Congress intensifies, BJP leader Yashwant Sinha has warned that Modi's controversial statements will shift focus from corruption. He said that the more Modi speaks, the more attention gets diverted from Congress's misgovernance. Also his 'puppy' remark seems to have ruffled quite a few feathers, specially amongst the minorities. Can the BJP hope to take the minorities along with Modi at the helm? Senior journalist Ashok Malik joined IBNLive readers for an interaction on the issue.

Q. Where do you think the 2014 campaign is headed for,do you think politics of polarisation taking precedence over corruption and other issues as its becoming apparent by each passing day. I think congress is trying to dwarf their colossal corruption under the garb of secularism. Your thoughts on this? Asked by: Himanshu

A. The Congress does want to convert the election into a secularism-communalism debate. It's its only chance.

Q. The minorities are and have been taken care by any government in power.The constitution and many laws protect the rights and have some special privileges accorded to them. Trying to create a phobia against NaMo is an attempt at polarising citizens by CONGRESS and not the other way round. Your take on this? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. It's the Congress' only card

Q. Dear Sir, Don't you think that despite the vehement opposition and malicious campaign against Mr Modi by politicians and media houses, he still appeals to majority of Indians and the strongest force to reckon with for top job. Asked by: Satya

A. He appeals to more Indians than he did even three or four years ago. A majority of Indians? I'm not sure. A significant, decisive plurality? Perhaps

Q. Gujarat has no Lok Ayukta since 12 years. Reflects poorly on the CM. Asked by: Vishwas

A. Okay.

Q. Modi wanted to be the leader of India but not able to be the leader of his own party? Asked by: prathap

A. He is the most popular leader within the BJP. There's no question bout that.

Q. BJP always seem to lean towards religion based politics which I don't see in Congress - with Modi also being seen in those lines, do you feel that religion based propaganda will help Modi and BJP? Asked by: Srikanth

A. I suppose we see what we want to see.

Q. Gujarat gets 0 medals in Olympics and Modi pompously talks about India's performance is sports! Asked by: ThinkTwice

A. Gujarat is not a country.

Q. Don't you think the BJP should stand behind Modi as a unit? Asked by: Rohit

A. It is, more or less.

Q. In the guise of a neutral commentator aren't you turning a blind eye to the fact that Gujarat is THE WORST state in India when it comes to per capita debt? It has 23000 rupees loan on each person's head - the worst in the country. Now if this man becomes PM, what will happen to India's finances? Asked by: ThinkTwice

A. Debt is not necessarily a bad thing, depends on how the capital is deployed.

Q. Is secular vs communal is congress's only card, then why is Modi led BJP handing it over to Congress on a platter? Asked by: Oliver

A. Don't think he is.

Q. India has done remarkably well without Modi. People like you and 600 million Indians today are more prosperous than ever before. Fancy big cars, big apartments, luxury spas, foreign holidays, high end electronics gadgets, modern gadgets, fabulous metros in Delhi, world class airports, amazing variety of high end hotels and restaurants, massive pay packets, India is doing very well. Do we need Modi? Asked by: ThinkTwice

A. 600 million Indians don't enjoy the facilities you have mentioned, surely!! As for whether India needs Modi, let the voters decide.

Q. Whatever Mr.Modi say now, will Muslims in large majority likely to vote for him? Won't it be too bad a strategy for Mr Modi? Asked by: Dileep

A. Modi is unlikely to get the Muslim vote in any significant number.

Q. In per capita income, Gujarat comes a poor 10th. Now imagine if this man is made PM. Asked by: ThinkTwice

A. I'm imagining.

Q. BJP does seem to be a divided house - but this is politics - all of a sudden everyone of these people will unite and arrive at a truce - do you see this happening? If yes, will that have any ramifications for the Congress? Asked by: Srikanth

A. The BJP is not completely united - that's impossible - but I think is more united today than at any point since 2004.

Q. Modi symbolizes Hindutava and development, don't you think that congress and media attack on him ensures that he succeed in consolidating Hindutava vote while his track record on good governance in Gujarat may bring inspirational India behind him. Your take on that, and is this may be BJP strategy. Asked by: rajesh

A. Frankly, I think the appeal of Hindutva in a contemporary electoral setting is limited.

Q. Sir, why always what Modi speaks is taken out of context. Asked by: M L GOYAL

A. Ask those who take it out of context.

Q. What Modi says is correct. the Congress hide behind secularism whenever confronted by incompetence. Why cant they contest the ideas that Modi is highlighting to get us out of this mess and not counter his ideas with their own ideas instead of parroting 2002 all the time. Don't you think we need to move out and look forward? Asked by: AKS

A. Ask them.

Q. Modi has been caught lying every time he speaks. Right from his laughable claims of the GAS finding in Hyderabad to yesterday's speech in Pune. Asked by: Vishwas

A. Okay.

Q. Do you think BJP can come to power with Modi as their PM candidate? Asked by: AM

A. Probably.

Q. Of late, BJP seem to be treading a very dangerous line,don't you think it damages the basic concept of INDIA, which otherwise is very diverse. Asked by: Kingkong

A. I'm not as pessimistic.

Q. Gujarat does not have a single city that can match Mumbai or Bangalore or Delhi or Chennai or Hyderabad in terms of job opportunities, GDP, infrastructure, metro, education, tourism or Airport. Asked by: AshokSir

A. Okay. So?

Q. With Modi at helm for next elections, Congress has opportunity always to veer the discourse off development. How best can BJP circumvent it? Asked by: Chetan

A. By focusing on the Congress' record in office.

Q. Do you feel that Modi might peak too early? Asked by: Oliver

A. No. The momentum is just building

Q. Why cannot the BJP promise something which can assure the minorities and take the bogey of secularism away from Congress. Asked by: Rajendra Kulkarni

A. Good point. Appropriate messaging, aimed at the minorities, is necessary, irrespective of whether they vote for the BJP or not

Q. As a voter I find it difficult to choose - the in-fighting BJP which seems to lack direction or the congress that always fails to decide - is the third front only a group of ambitious CM's or will it be a reality? Does BJP take cognizance of this? Asked by: Srikanth

A. I don't think we'll have a third front govt. The Congress or the BJP will be in the tent, not outside

Q. As good and corruption free governance is the need of the hour,it seems BJP is failing to cash in on Congress' dismal show in this matter. Don't you think BJP has done a great blunder by promoting leaders like Modi and Amit Shah to the helm? Don't you think secularism is equally important to preserve the very idea of India? Asked by: AMIT

A. A state above religion is non-negotiable. But I think that is a fundamental issue in this election or has been under threat in any election since 1951

Q. Why have lakhs of Gujaratis fled Gujarat in the past 25 years of BJP rule - they have gone and made massive successes of themselves in other states of India. Why doesn't Gujarat attract talent from other states? Asked by: AshokSir

A. Are you talking about Gujarat in India or some other Gujarat?

Q. Do you think that congress is more of Family business than a political party. Decision makers are family members? Is it good for a democratic India? Asked by: aravind

A. The family gives the Congress leadership a certain organisational stability. The question is: is that enough compensation for a clearly declining electoral footprint?

Q. I think media is also hiding inside the veil of secularism and helping and projecting Modi as a divided house in BJP. Why media is silent on congress. Is Congress not a divided house? How many times you raised this issue involving congress? Are India media satisfied with congress misgovernance and scams? Does media believe Rahul Gandhi fit to be PM because he is born in Gandhi family? Asked by: Satya

A. Ask "media". I can only answer questions directed at me personally.

Q. BJP is not present in 75 per cent of India from Kashmir to Kerala and Bengal to Andhra. Realistically UPA stands a better chance in 2014. Proof? UPA has won successive elections from Karnataka to Uttarakhand to Himachal to Kerala to West Bengal. Jharkhand too is the latest state in UPA kitty. Where will BJP gain? Just 3 states! Asked by: Point-by-Point

A. The meat of the battle is in UP.

Q. Yashwant Sinha has rightly cautioned on attempts of Congress and highlighted the corruption of UPA-2. Media wants to blink on corruption and twist the caution as a warning,a more strong word to signify a split.Why this sidelining of corruption from the news. Could it not read like "Sinha asks NaMo to focus on corruption issues of UPA-2". Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Perhaps.

Q. With LK Advani and NaMo seated side by side and discussing at National level along with senior leaders, an issue which party does not have is being forced on it by Congress.Why is the media supporting such misadventures? Asked by: sundar1950in

A. Which issue? One can't deny Advani did not Modi to be elevated to the party's face for 2014.

Q. Do you think that Modi's uncalled comments, however well meaning they may be, is harming his image and BJP's fortunes for 2014? Do you think that Modi from now on should focus more on governance issues only? Asked by: Oliver

A. The focus should certainly be on governance and the UPA's record.

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