BJP mulls strategy to reach out to voters through social media
BJP mulls strategy to reach out to voters through social media
In a bid to tap the huge number of urban youth, including first time voters, BJP on Friday held a workshop for technocrats and functionaries associated with the party to chalk out a strategy for reaching out to them through digital, mobile, Internet and social media. BJP, which is already in election mode since the appointment of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as its Election Campaign Committee chief, on Friday brainstormed on how to influence the young voters in a meeting of the Information Communication Campaign Committee.

In a bid to tap the huge number of urban youth, including first time voters, BJP on Friday held a workshop for technocrats and functionaries associated with the party to chalk out a strategy for reaching out to them through digital, mobile, Internet and social media. BJP, which is already in election mode since the appointment of Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi as its Election Campaign Committee chief, on Friday brainstormed on how to influence the young voters in a meeting of the Information Communication Campaign Committee.

Three hundred delegates from 21 states and three union territories took part in the discussions on Saturday on how to make effective use of technology and plan out ways to expand the reach of the party and its leadership on various social media platforms. "We realise that you cannot win polls only by reaching out to people through social media but this is definitely a tool which can help in the process. The use of digital, mobile and Internet technology will also help us build an atmosphere in favour of the party," a BJP leader said.

He pointed out that the party is not abandoning the traditional ways of campaigning through rallies, meetings, door-to-door canvassing and so on in the run-up to the 2014 Lok Sabha elections. BJP will also use technology to further project Modi, especially among the young who have a strong presence on social media sites. Modi already has an impressive presence on Twitter and Google+.

Sixty-five per cent of the population is said to be below 35 years and is active on mobile, Internet and the digital world. The theme of today's meeting was to seek feedback from all over the country to draw up its strategy to achieve Mission 272+," the party said in a statement. 272 is the mid-way mark in the Lok Sabha which has a total strength of 545 members.

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