Opinion | Restoration of Srinagar’s Muharram Procession A Historic Moment for Jammu and Kashmir
Opinion | Restoration of Srinagar’s Muharram Procession A Historic Moment for Jammu and Kashmir
While the Shia community’s struggle against marginalisation is a global issue, Hindu-majority India’s example shows how a secular state can champion inclusivity

In a historic and much-awaited development, the Jammu and Kashmir administration has granted permission to the Shia Muslim community to conduct a public procession in the heart of Srinagar to mark the Shahadat (martyrdom) of Imam Hussain. The momentous occasion brought immense relief and joy to the Shia people residing in Kashmir, as they marched in thousands through Lal Chowk, Srinagar, on the 8th day of Muharram, July 27, 2023.

The public procession witnessed a sea of attendees, united in solemnity, as they participated in the commemoration of Marsiya and the Noha lamentation, integral parts of the Shia faith. For years, the Shia community had yearned to gather and observe this sacred ritual, and finally, their prayers were answered.

The significance of the gathering was further amplified on Yaume Ashura, the 10th day of Muharram, a day deeply revered in Islamic history to honour the Shahadat of Imam Hussain. On this highly symbolic day, thousands of Shia Muslims, along with others, joined the mourning procession in Srinagar, emphasising the magnitude of the occasion.

As the echoes of prayers and lamentations filled the air, the people of Srinagar embraced this rare opportunity to stand in solidarity and pay homage to Imam Hussain, reaffirming the essence of their beliefs and the sanctity of their rituals. I have personally attended the mourning procession in Delhi and found it to be a deeply meaningful experience. It led me to believe that remembering the courageous people and their resolute stance against injustice provides us with a valuable guide for life.

Yaum-e-Ashura: A Day of Reverence and Reflection

Yaum-e-Ashura, a day deeply revered by Muslims worldwide, is a poignant occasion to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussain, the revered grandson of Prophet Muhammad, and his companions in the historic Battle of Karbala in 680 CE. This solemn day of mourning calls for deep reflection, as the events of Karbala carry powerful and timeless lessons that resonate across various backgrounds and beliefs.

On this solemn day, as Muslims around the world come together to commemorate Imam Hussain’s sacrifice, the enduring lessons of Yaum-e-Ashura resonate deeply, empowering us all to be agents of positive change and champions of justice, both within ourselves and society at large.

Restriction on Large Gatherings Lifted

After enduring over three decades of restrictions, the Kashmiri Shia Muslim community has reason to rejoice as the administration has granted them permission to conduct large processions during the Islamic month of Muharram. This historic decision comes after a prolonged period of restrictions imposed due to security concerns and potential law and order issues dating back to the late 1980s when militancy took root in the region.

The imposition of limitations on public gatherings, including Muharram processions, was part of the authorities’ efforts to maintain control and stability during a challenging phase in the erstwhile state’s history. However, this measure drew widespread discontent from the Shia community, who have been fervently seeking the opportunity to carry out their faith-based processions for the past four years.

The recent approval to conduct major processions marks a significant step towards fulfilling the spiritual and religious aspirations of the Shia community. It is believed that the revocation of Article 370 in September 2019 has played a pivotal role in creating a more stable and secure environment in the region. By reducing cross-border interference and enhancing public safety, this historic move has paved the way for positive changes in Jammu and Kashmir.

The aftermath of the Article 370 revocation has been marked by noteworthy improvements in the lives of Kashmiri residents. The region has experienced a more harmonious and balanced existence, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation among its diverse communities.

With the lifting of restrictions on large gatherings, the Kashmiri Shia community can now partake in the revered Muharram processions, a deeply cherished tradition. As the region embraces this significant milestone, it stands as a testament to the evolving landscape of Jammu and Kashmir, where progress and harmony have emerged as defining pillars of a brighter future for all its inhabitants.

Global Struggle of the Shia Community

The Shia community, despite its rich history and contributions to Islam, has endured marginalisation within the broader Muslim community due to theological differences that trace back to the early days of the faith. The historical schism between Sunni and Shia Muslims, cantered around disputes over leadership after Prophet Muhammad’s passing, has perpetuated a cycle of marginalisation and hardship for Shia believers.

In numerous Sunni-dominated countries, the Shia community has faced injustices and belittlement, with extremist interpretations seeking to isolate and marginalise them. In stark contrast, several Muslim nations, including Pakistan, have struggled to provide equal rights to all sects within Islam. Despite being founded by a Shia leader, Pakistan has failed to provide adequate assurance and protection to its Shia citizens.

Tragic incidents, such as the Gilgit massacre in 1988 and the 2022 mosque blast in Peshawar, bear witness to the challenges faced by the Shia community in Pakistan, causing immense loss and suffering. Reports from The Guardian depict a troubling reality, showing that the Shia community in Pakistan often lives in fear, vulnerable to baseless accusations and persecution. Ideated blasphemy charges are used as a tool to target Shia Muslims, further exacerbating their plight.

Conversely, in India, the Shia community enjoys the freedom to participate in their mourning processions and practice their religious traditions without hindrance. Notably, even in the sensitive region of Kashmir, the government has granted permission for the processions with large gatherings to take place, ensuring peace and security during the events. The harmony and inclusivity of India are evident in its public gatherings, where mourners from different religious and cultural backgrounds, including Hindu Lieutenant Governor of Kashmir, Manoj Sinha and Sunni-Muslim Mayor of Srinagar, Junaid Azam Mattu, come together to attend the processions organised by the Shia community.

Promoting Harmony and Equality

While the Shia community’s struggle against marginalisation is a global issue, Hindu-majority India’s example shows how a secular state can champion inclusivity, offering hope for a more harmonious world where all faiths are treated with equality and respect. As the global community navigates the complexities of religious diversity, India’s approach serves as an inspiration for building bridges of understanding and acceptance among diverse communities.

Indeed, the momentous gathering in Srinagar has etched its place in history, becoming a poignant testament to the resilience and reverence of the Shia Muslim community in Kashmir. In an increasingly diverse world, fostering unity and peace among different religious, ethnic, and cultural communities is a paramount objective for any government. As an Indian citizen who holds dear the values of equality, peace, and coexistence, I firmly believe that our government’s stand for both Muslims and non-Muslims, and for the nation as a whole, is a reflection of our collective aspiration for a harmonious and prosperous society.

Let us continue to support and encourage initiatives that further this vision, and work together to create a future that cherishes and celebrates the rich tapestry of our diverse nation.

The author is a nationalist Indian Muslim, a student of Philosophy and a researcher in the Quran and Islamic theology, having in-depth knowledge in Islam. Views expressed in the above piece are personal and solely that of the author. They do not necessarily reflect News18’s views.

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