Woman Set Afire for 'Bad Cooking', Girls Sold in Coffins as Sex Slaves: Afghan Lawyer Slams Taliban 'Promises'
Woman Set Afire for 'Bad Cooking', Girls Sold in Coffins as Sex Slaves: Afghan Lawyer Slams Taliban 'Promises'
Afghan laywer Najla Ayoubi has been talking to Afghan women, and has received examples of what they are going through; a different reality from what the moderate image Taliban is trying to portray.

Despite the Taliban’s assurances that they would respect Afghan women’s rights and allow them to work and be educated in accordance with Islam, a former Afghan judge says Afghan women are being tortured and killed by the Taliban. As reported by Sky News, Najla Ayoubi has been talking to Afghan women, and has received examples of what they are going through. LIVE UPDATES: Taliban Sends Back Govt Employees Returning to Work

According to Ayoubi, one woman was “put on fire because she was accused of bad cooking for Taliban fighters” in northern Afghanistan.

“They are forcing people to give them food and cook them food. Also, there are so many young women are being in the past few weeks being shipped into neighbouring countries in coffins to be used as sex slaves,” said Ayoubi.

ALSO READ: Promises vs Reality: Taliban Wants Us to Believe They’ve Changed. But Have They? Women Tell

“They also force families to marry their young daughters to Taliban fighters. I don’t see where is the promise that they think women should be going to work when we are seeing all of these atrocities,” she added.

Ayoubi lives in the US after ‘fleeing’ for her life from the Taliban. She is now the chief of the coalition and global programmes at Every Woman Treaty which aims to end violence against women.

She said she was forced to flee the Taliban because she spoke out about women’s rights and described life under the Taliban as a “nightmare”. Day before the insurgents came to power, Ayoubi said she was in a “powerful position”, but now she was “nothing” in society. To go to the grocery store, she was required to be accompanied by her neighbor’s four year old child, according to the lawyer.

TV Anchor Barred from Working

There is a lot of scepticism about the Taliban’s claims that they will respect women’s rights and allow them to hold jobs and go to school and college. The Taliban, according to a number of female journalists, has forbidden them from working. “My goal was to get back into the workforce, but sadly, they didn’t let me work. ‘The regime has changed,’ they told me,” said RTA anchor Shabnam Khan Dawran in a video.

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