Five Body Language Cues That Give off a Weird Impression
Five Body Language Cues That Give off a Weird Impression
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Our gestures and body language can lead to misunderstandings and give the other person the wrong idea. Know more about such behaviours by reading on.

  • Touching your face while speaking: A poor impression is made on the other person if you touch your face while speaking to them. You convey anxiety, a lack of confidence, and control with this really weak motion. People are turned off by this gesture. Additionally, it implies that you were not paying attention during the conversation. At that point, you are perceived as being unprepared or illiterate.

  • Fingers entwinedIt’s not a very good gesture, but many individuals have the tendency of clasping their hands or fingers. Even though you could believe you have authority or look powerful, the reverse is actually true. It implies that you are uneasy, doubtful, anxious, and even insecure. If you use the motion while giving a presentation, people might think you weren’t prepared.

  • Putting your arm over your backThis action could give the impression that you don’t want to speak to the other person again or that you’re cocky and even in charge. It demonstrates your lack of trust for the other individual. This action conveys to others that you are “unsure" about them, say psychologists. The more firmly you hold onto them, the more you give off the impression that you are frustrated, furious, or even uneasy around them.

  • Standing on one legThis gesture is exceedingly bad if it isn’t for holding your gallbladder. Your self-assurance is undermined, and your communication is ineffective. With this stance, you come off as unsure or fearful. When you cross your legs in the middle of a conversation, this action is very protective. You seem to have a very closed-off demeanour and probably don’t care what other people think.

  • Absence of responsivenessYou must maintain eye contact and demonstrate active listening when participating in a conversation. You can convey your lack of interest by failing to speak, making no eye contact, or even smiling or nodding in response. Giving clues is essential!

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