Swara Bhasker Targeted By Trolls Once Again, This Time for Saying 'Mughals Made India Rich'
Swara Bhasker Targeted By Trolls Once Again, This Time for Saying 'Mughals Made India Rich'
Swara Bhasker said that the "Hindu right wing cyber universe went BATSHIT CRAZY!" over the article she had shared, because it argues "against the Sanghi stereotype that 'Mughals looted india'".

Swara Bhasker is easily one of the most trolled celebrities, having been slammed more than once on social media for airing her views without hesitation on multiple occasions. The Veere Di Wedding actress has triggered a troll fest once again, this time by sharing an old article which argued that the Mughals, rather than being barbaric invaders, made India rich.

The article, by historian Rana Salvi, argued that even though the Mughals came to India as conquerers, they remained as Indians. The author further further points out that the Mughals were accepted by Indians which led to Indian soldiers rallying around Bahadur Shah Zafar and coronated him 'Emperor of Hindustan' in 1857.

Swara shared the article on Twitter on Saturday, with the caption, "Mughals made India rich.. #history #fact." What ensued was immense trolling; while some dubbed her tweet as a mere way of staying in the news, others said that the argument was utter nonsense.

Historian Hindol Sengupta said that this was 'completely nonsense' and pointed out that recurring facts of Mughal India were 'devastating famines'. He wrote, "This is of course nonsense, and you would be particularly lacking in reading to believe anything as simplistic as this. In fact, most people in Mughal India were utterly, cripplingly poor even though of course a lot of wealth was concentrated in the hands of the monarchy and the nobility. One of the resounding and recurring facts of Mughal India were the devastating famines."

Swara replied to him by saying, "I think what you describe is true of monarchy in general! I suggest you read the article first..."

On Sunday, the 31-year-old actress put up another tweet, saying that the "Hindu right wing cyber universe went BATSHIT CRAZY!" over the article she had shared, because it argues "against the Sanghi stereotype that 'Mughals looted india'".

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