Ankita Konwar Gives This Explanation to Troll Who Questioned Milind Soman for Wearing One T-shirt
Ankita Konwar Gives This Explanation to Troll Who Questioned Milind Soman for Wearing One T-shirt
Ankita Konwar explained why Milind Soman is seen wearing one T-shirt in most of his social media posts.

Ankita Konwar has a message for trolls who are more concerned with her husband’s choice of wearing one t-shirt. In her recent Instagram post, Konwar explained why Milind Soman is seen wearing one T-shirt in most of his posts.

Konwar explained the concept of minimalism, which Soman follows, and expressed her respect for him. She said how in today’s world of fast consumption and fast fashion, Milind is someone who understands the concept of utility and wastage.

The 29-year-old air hostess also mentioned the harmful effect of consuming more than one should and how it generates unnecessary waste whose effects are not directly seen but do affect the environment in the long run. She said, “Nothing is more responsible than occupying the smallest place you possibly can.”

Explaining minimalism, Konwar said that it is not about giving up everything and isolating in a cave. The concept is to generate responsibility for one’s choices and thinking before purchasing something from a perspective of necessity and utility rather than affordability.

In a world where online shopping and online payments have made fast shopping the norm, Ankita and Milind wish to create a better and sustainable form of fashion. Konwar says that it does sound difficult to follow minimalism and shared her own struggles as she said, “I still have my hiccups here and there when I see something tempting. It’s a conditioning that requires work.”

She gave credit to Milind for inspiring her since he is better at following minimalism than her. She urged her followers and those who trolled Soman for following the good cause and said that they should consider the massive amount of waste that their choices generate.

Quoting Mahatma Gandhi, Konwar said, “The world has enough for everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed.”

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Questions I hear all the time: “Does he not have a different t shirt?” “Omg, I see you guys in the same pair of sandals everywhere!” Hmmm… How does it feel to be with a minimalist? It feels incredible! I adore and respect my husband for being the way he is. In today’s world of fast consumption and fast fashion, someone who understands the concept of utility and wastage. Nothing is more responsible than occupying the smallest place you possibly can. • With a world so demanding, so competitive, so fast, people rarely manage the time to realise and evaluate their choices. We seem to need everything “fast” nowadays. Fast food, fast fashion, fast commute, fast ideas! Fashion from having 4 seasons in a year to now having 52! We often don’t realise that when we purchase something, we are actually purchasing the idea related to it. The idea of being desirable, successful, happy or loved. We have no real need or use for the thing itself. • Minimalism is not about giving up everything and isolating yourself in a cave. It just means being responsible for your choices. It means we think before we purchase something from a perspective of necessity and utility rather than affordability. Meaning, just because I can have 3 different dresses and 3 different pairs of shoes for each day doesn’t mean I should. And yes this choice doesn’t come easy. I still have my hiccups here and there when I see something tempting. It’s a conditioning that requires work. • But for me it’s definitely becoming lesser and lesser. And my husband is definitely better at this than I am. Usage = Demand Demand = Production Production requires energy, water and creates crazy amount of wastage. Oh yes, I wasn’t just talking about the waste we create that is visible to us in the garbage dumps that surround every city. So next time you purchase something, do ask yourself this question – “how does this add value to my life” If you have the answer, by all means buy that product. “The world has enough for everyone’s need but not everyone’s greed”-MKG • Also I am grateful that I have begun to differentiate my needs to my wants, to understand what is important to me, not everyone is that privileged.

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Milind and Ankita have been married for two years now and continue to inspire netizens on following a healthy lifestyle. Soman’s social media posts have always inspired his fans to follow a healthy diet, and a physical fitness routine. Soman also successfully completed the Florida Ultraman challenge triathlon of 517 km in 2017. The athletic event involved 423km of cycling, a 10km swim and an 84km ultra-marathon.

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