Good sleep is one of the important factors in staying healthy. However, with the excessive exposure to TV, laptops, smartphones and other electronic gadgets, many hit the bed late at night. This has resulted in the disruption of the sleeping and waking patterns of people. By sleeping late at night, the circadian rhythm, which is the internal clock system of the body, gets affected. In the long run, this can lead to serious diseases. Hence, health experts lay extra emphasis on getting seven to eight hours of sleep every day. But the most pressing question is, when is the right time to sleep at night and what are the benefits of good sleep?
Research published by Cleveland Clinic in 2022 revealed that people should ideally sleep by 10 pm. The study was conducted in the United Kingdom in which 88,000 adults participated. A few other studies have claimed that sleeping between 10 pm to 11 pm can be beneficial for the body.
The studies found that sleeping during this period will help the body stay healthy. However, the need for sleep varies from person to person. For good health, a healthy diet is also a factor. So, when all of these things are kept in mind and followed strictly, one can improve the functioning of the body.
Why Is Sleep So Important for the Body?
As per the experts, our body’s circadian rhythm gets regulated in sleep. As soon as the sun sets and it starts getting dark, the brain gets the signal that it is time to sleep. This circadian rhythm also regulates hormones, the immune system and digestion.
What Are the Benefits of Sleeping Early?
Sleeping may help keep high blood pressure in control and reduce the risk of a stroke.
It can reduce mental stress and boost mental health.
Studies have found that getting a good night’s sleep can help keep the weight in check.
It can also boost memory and improve thinking ability.
One may notice that sleeping properly can reduce anger, and irritability and keep the mood better.
Good sleep will help reduce fatigue.
Good sleep also keeps the body and mind healthy.
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