Preventing Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Practical Steps to Reduce Mosquito Breeding
Preventing Mosquito-Borne Diseases: Practical Steps to Reduce Mosquito Breeding
We can use few natural, safe and cost-effective measures to curb mosquito borne diseases

With the steep rise in mosquito borne diseases during monsoon season like dengue, it becomes imperative for safeguarding ourselves and our surroundings. We can use few natural, safe and cost-effective measures to curb mosquito borne diseases as recommended by Dr Akanksha Saxena, General Physician, Consultant, Practo:

  1. Use mosquito repellents containing picaridin and DEET
  2. Apply thick layer of coconut oil with camphor
  3. Use aromatic essential oils like lavender, tea tree oil, neem, citronella, eucalyptus, mint to protect ourselves
  4. Use garlic- due to high sulphur content, it has strong antibacterial, antifungal and mosquito repellent properties. You can crush it, boil it in water, and consume. Or you can even spray it in the corners of the rooms as it acts as a repellent
  5. Pot plants such as marigold, basil, lemon grass, peppermint, rosemary have a peculiar scent to distract mosquitoes
  6. Lemon and cloves are good option to have
  7. Avoid moist shady lawns, stagnant water in ponds, water artifacts
  8. Wear loose fitting, full sleeved shirts, pants, shoes. Avoid shorts, small clothes for mosquito bites. Prefer light colored clothes rather than dark ones
  9. Avoid outdoor activities during dawn and dusk, when mosquitoes are more active
  10. Remove stagnant water from surrounding, wherever not possible put oil over water to avoid breeding of mosquitoes
  11. Use mosquito nets, coils, plug in repellents
  12. Vaccination is an alternative in future, dengue vaccine will probably be available in India by 2026. Vaccine for yellow fever is already available on government notification

Our own innate immunity plays an important role in quick recovery from disease and its progression in serious consequences like dengue haemorrhagic fever. Immunity booster foods to be taken are – papaya, kiwi, citrus fruits like orange, pineapple, amla, lemon, cranberry, garlic, ginger, turmeric, almonds, spinach, yogurt. Stay hydrated, drink plenty of fluids, take coconut water, hot soups, and fresh juices. In case of fever use paracetamol, avoid NSAIDS such as ibuprofen as painkillers, they tend to cause hemorrhage.

Follow these basic ‘4 S’ rule for dengue prevention that will help a lot:

  1. Search and destroy mosquito breeding places
  2. Secure self-protection from mosquito bites
  3. Seek early consultation in case signs and symptoms appear
  4. Say “yes fogging” to prevent disease outbreak

Stay safe, enjoy the monsoon with due precautions.

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