Crystal Mosque to Iman Reza Shrine: 10 mosques around the world that take architectural brilliance to the next level
Crystal Mosque to Iman Reza Shrine: 10 mosques around the world that take architectural brilliance to the next level
Mosque, a common place of worship for the followers of Islam culture, is best known for its architecture worldwide. Despite the similarities in their structures, each and every mosque stands out in the way it is designed and built.

Mosque, a common place of worship for the followers of Islam culture, is best known for its architecture worldwide.

Originated in Arabanian Peninsula, Mosques have been the primary place where Muslims come together for Salat, the tradition of offering prayers.

An architectural feature common to all mosques is a ‘Minaret’, a tall tower situated at one of the corners of the structure. ‘Mihrab’, another characteristic feature is the presence of a semi circular nook that determines the direction of standing for the prayers. ‘Domes’ signify the arch of heaven and the sky.

Despite the similarities in their structures, each and every mosque stands out in the way it is designed and built.

Here is a list of 10 mosques that definitely shouldn’t be missed in this lifetime!

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque - Abu Dhabi

Located in Abu Dhabi, this mosque is known for ‘uniting the world’. Artisans and raw materials from various countries such as India, Italy, Pakistan, Turkey, Morocco, Malaysia, China, UK, Greece and New Zealand contributed in the building of this holy place. It is also regarded as the largest mosque of United Arab Emirates. Not only the raw materials but even the design is a blend of Mughal, Moorish, Persian and Arab architecture.

Crystal Mosque - Terengganu, Malaysia

Constructed between 2006 and 2008, Crystal Mosque or Masjid Kristal is a fairly young mosque. Located in the city of Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia, the highlight of this pious place is the grandeur of its structure comprising of glass, steel and crystal.

Sultan Ahmed Mosque, Istanbul

Located in Istanbul, this is one of the many blue mosques in the world. Blue Mosques is a name given to them because of the blue tiles that adorn the inner walls of the structure. The exact spot where it is built has a historic significance. A blend of Byzantine Christian elements and traditional Islamic architecture is what describes this magnificent building.

Great Mosque of Samarra - Iraq

This is probably one of the most amusing work of architecture amongst the mosques all around. Located in Iraq, the highlight of this place is Malwiya tower, a spiral cone shaped structure that is as amazing as the area this mosque covers. One can enter this place through any of the 16 gates and 17 aisles that surround the structure. The archaic style of its carvings in floral designs represent the conventional Islamic decorations.

Masjid-e-Tooba – Pakistan

Popularly known as Gol Masjid, Masjid–e–Tooba is located in Karachi, Pakistan. It is often claimed to be the largest single dome mosque in the world. Getting people visit it since 1969, Masjid-e-Tooba’s entire structure is built with white marbles. In agreement with the scientific theory of acoustics, a place speaking from one end can be heard at the other end of the mosque.

Iman Reza Shrine – Mashhad, Iran

Mashhad is best known for its aesthetic pilgrimage shrine of Imam Reza. Iman Reza Shrine includes a mausoleum of Imam Reza, the eighth Shia Imam, seven courtyards, Goharshad Mosque, library and 4 seminaries. This spiritual place has been attracting tourists from every corner of the world.

Saint Petersburg Mosque - Russia

The first stone for Saint Petersburg Mosque was laid in 1910 to honour the 25th anniversary of reign of Abdul Ahat Khan in Bukhara. Located in downtown St Petersburg, this can accommodate up to 5000 worshippers.

Ubudiah Mosque – Malaysia

Located in Kuala Kangsar, Ubudiah Mosque is one of the most pleasing sights to witness in Malaysia. The reason behind building such a magnificent mosque dates back to 1913 when the 28th Sultan of Perak decided to create a structure as a token of gratitude to god because of whose will he recovered from an illness that plagued him back then.

Hui Mosque - Ningxia, China

Little is known about Hui Mosque that is located in China. The usual architecture of the mosques in China resembles those that of temples. Buddhist style roofs, walled courtyards and miniature domes and minarets make up for some of the special features of the construction.

Faisal Mosque – Islamabad

Situated in Islamabad, this grand mosque is a work of a Turkish architect. What sets apart this mosque from the rest is the lack of old style domes that is commonly seen in other mosques. The entire design of this reverent place is unusual accounting for its remarkably thin minarets.

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